Elimination of racism: a global and common fight


Racism in its varied forms is still present in our societies everywhere in the world. Combating it is fundamental as a matter of respect for human rights. Although the EU is marked by its diversity, systemic racism is also present, and this is why the EU is stepping up its actions to eliminate racism and working with third countries to reach this end.


In recent times, we witnessed significant social changes. During the pandemic, we have seen racism on the rise in many parts of the world, but also large movements of civil society raising awareness and calling for global action.

It is due time to take action that has a concrete impact.

As we mark the European Year of Youth, it is impossible to ignore the powerful role of youth in driving change and eliminating racism. Their political awareness of social issues is essential to identify different expressions of racism, uncover unconscious biases and shift behaviours to be more inclusive.

To have a more comprehensive understanding of the problem inside the EU and a more effective approach to eliminate racism, the EU has been working together with Member States. Outside the EU, the work has continued to address the issue towards third countries. In Human Rights dialogues held with other countries, the topic of racism is being addressed, including on the discussion of measures to fight it and possible closer collaboration.

The need to step up the EU’s action to combat racism led to the approval of the EU Anti-Racism Action Plan 2020-2025 in September 2020, proposing actions in collaboration with actors at the local, national and global levels. It is essential to strengthening partnerships with key international, regional and bilateral partners towards a revitalised approach on the anti-racism agenda. In 2021, the European Commission appointed Michaela Moua as the first coordinator for anti-racism, who interacts with Member States, the European Parliament, civil society and academia to strengthen policy responses in the field of anti-racism.

Furthermore, combating racism is also a political priority for the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Earlier this month, the European Council presented a set of conclusions, recognising the importance of commitments reached and setting suggestions to Member States and Commission to have more effective action.

On 21st  March, the EU is hosting the second EU Anti-Racism Summit. The Summit is an opportunity to further raise awareness to the need to combat racism, give voice and bring different stakeholders together and share good practices and propose concrete suggestions towards the elimination of racism. Topics to be addressed will include racialised communities and law enforcement, environmental racism and climate justice, the effects of racism in education and the restitution and decolonisation of public spaces. Find more information about it.