Chile: Statement by the Spokesperson on the second round of presidential elections


On Sunday 19 December, the people of Chile went to the polls to elect their President, in a responsible and peaceful manner. Transparent, free, and credible elections are the foundation of our shared democratic values. The European Union congratulates Gabriel Boric on his victory and looks forward to working with the new administration.

The EU intends to continue strengthening our relationship with Chile, based on our long-standing partnership and on our shared values and interests. The upcoming modernisation of the 2002 EU-Chile Association Agreement will pave the way for the further deepening of our already good cooperation in areas such as multilateralism, democracy, inclusive growth and sustainable development, human rights, gender equality and climate action. The EU also reiterates the hope that the ongoing constitutional process will provide an opportunity to foster unity amongst all Chileans, to enhance dialogue about the future of the country and to promote a more democratic, equitable, cohesive and inclusive society.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
Gesine Knolle
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/International Partnerships
+32 (0)2 29 54323
+32 (0)460 754 323