Azerbaijan: Human rights, democracy and justice dialogue with the EU in Brussels

23.05.2023 EEAS Press Team

The EU and Azerbaijan officials met in Brussels on 22 and 23 May for the tenth meeting of the Subcommittee on Justice, Freedom, Security and Human Rights and Democracy, to  

review the latest developments since the last meeting in April 2021. The EU and Azerbaijan also discussed areas of mutual interest for future cooperation.

The first day was dedicated to human rights where developments, notably in the area of media freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of association, including conditions in the country for a functioning civil society and implementation of the European Court of Human Rights´ rulings were discussed. The EU is convinced that strengthening the rule of law, human rights and democratic institutions is in the long-term interest of Azerbaijan, to ensure an independent, stable and prosperous country. While the EU acknowledged the recent pardoning of 801 individuals signed by President Aliyev on 8 May it also expressed concerns about the continuous persecution of independent voices in Azerbaijan. The EU recalled the opinion of the Venice Commission on the Media Law of 2022 and voiced concern that the new Law on Political Parties could affect the political pluralism and the enjoyment of the rights to freedom of association in Azerbaijan. The EU also recalled that all war crimes irrespectively of the perpetrator should be investigated and prosecuted. Other topic covered included gender equality, rights of the child, rights of persons with disabilities and freedom of religion or belief.

Delegations also had the opportunity to exchange views with the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, E. Gilmore.

Cooperation in the area of justice, freedom and security was on the agenda of the second day. The EU acknowledged that the administrative capacity and efficiency of courts have improved. The EU welcomed Azerbaijan’s committement to take steps towards strengthening the judiciary,  establishing effective mechanisms to fight corruption and to modernise the public administration and to make it more transparent in line with EU standards. However, the EU noted that further steps are required to ensure the independence and impartiality of the judiciary system in Azerbaijan. The EU is a key reform partner of Azerbaijan and is ready to support Azerbaijan in pursuing meaningful reforms.

The EU and Azerbaijan agreed to continue engaging on the areas covered by this Subcommittee.

The 10th EU-Azerbaijan Subcommittee on Justice, Freedom, Security and Human Rights and Democracy was co - chaired by Dorota Dlouchy-Suliga, Head of Division in the European External Action Service and Aysel Yagubova, Director of the Department for Cooperation with International Human Rights Institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In preparation of the Subcommittee meeting, the EU met with representatives of civil society organisations.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53