#ARTvsWAR | Greknov

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Earlier in our campaign we shared the symbolic statue of Taras Shevchenko wounded by Russians in the town of Borodyanka. Ukrainian artist Oleksandr Grekhov became famous for his collection of contemporary representations of Ukraine’s most important poet. 

The photo of the poet's statue in symbolic bandages by Alex Zakletsky inspired the artist to create an illustration for his collection of Shevchenkos.

Borodyanka is home to another famous symbol of Ukrainian resistance. The photo of the kitchen cupboard with a ceramic rooster on top hanging on the wall of a building ruined by Russian shelling broke people’s hearts all over the world.

Grekhov’s illustration of the photo by Elizabeth Servatynska became a viral virtual postcard motivating people to hold on.

Join our campaign on social media: share evidence of Russian war crimes related to cultural heritage destruction in Ukraine and stories of protecting Ukrainian culture. #ARTvsWAR #StandWithUkraine