Press Release Green Nexus Programme Supporting a climate-resilient transition towards green partnerships, sustainable growth and decent jobs in Zambia.

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Lusaka, Zambia - April 25, 2024 - Today, the European Union in Zambia launched the Green Nexus Programme in collaboration with international partners, including Czechia, France, Sweden, Germany and the World Food Programme. The Green Nexus Programme is part of the EU's Global Gateway Strategy and aims to contribute towards a sustainable and resilient future for Zambia by integrating environmental sustainability, economic development, and social well-being through a comprehensive “nexus” approach.

Designed to tackle some of Zambia's most pressing issues, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity, by promoting integrated natural resource management, the programme will leverage the synergies between agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, water management, and climate action to enhance ecosystem resilience and boost economic growth.

The Green Nexus Programme, with a total budget of EUR 46 million, will run from 2023 to 2031. The EU has provided EUR 37.3 million, including a transfer agreement from Sweden for about EUR 7 million. In addition, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development has contributed EUR 6 million, while the World Food Programme, the Czech Development Agency, and Agence Française de Développement have each contributed EUR 1 million.

"With the European Green Deal, the EU and its Member States took the global lead on climate action. The Green Nexus Programme for Zambia applies the same principles to our cooperation with partners like Zambia, who wish to build a low-carbon, climate-resilient, green and inclusive economy”,  stated H.E. Karolina Stasiak, EU Ambassador to Zambia. "We come together as Team Europe to support climate resilience of ecosystems, food security, sustainable livelihoods and decent jobs for the Zambian population."

The Green Nexus Programme contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, Zambia’s Vision 2030, the 8th National Development Programme, the National Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement, the EU-Zambia Forest Partnership, and the recently launched Green Growth Strategy. “This initiative not only emphasises our commitment to preserving Zambia’s rich biodiversity but also strengthens our collaborative efforts within Team Europe, showcasing our collective dedication to environmental conservation and sustainable practices, “ added H.E. Pavel Rubeš, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

“With the launch of the Green Nexus Programme, we embark on a transformative journey towards a more sustainable, interconnected future. This initiative will build the resilience of thousands of smallholder farmers in Zambia, fostering sustainable agricultural development, promoting financial empowerment, and facilitating access to markets and technology, said Ms Cissy Byenkya Kabasuuga, the World Food Programme Country Director in Zambia.

The Green Nexus Programme is designed to promote and facilitate investments in green recovery and sustainable growth by strengthening policies and legislation encouraging sustainable land use and natural resource management across various sectors in line with Zambia’s development agenda. The key Ministries to benefit from this initiative are Green Economy and Environment, Finance and National Planning, Agriculture, Water Sanitation and Development, Lands and Natural Resources, and Local Government and Rural Development.

Contacts for more information:

Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Zambia & COMESA,, Political, Press and Information Section Tel. +260 97 0007092