NEWZA: Nexus Energy and Water Programme for Zambia

NEWZA, the Nexus Energy and Water Programme for Zambia, is a transformative initiative under the European Union's Global Gateway strategy, designed to revolutionise Zambia’s water and energy sectors. By enhancing the efficiency of five major water utilities, we aim to improve service delivery across multiple provinces, ensuring sustainable and resilient infrastructure. Integrating cutting-edge digital and renewable energy technologies, NEWZA not only reduces non-revenue water significantly but also supports Zambia in achieving several Sustainable Development Goals, including clean water, affordable energy, and gender equality. Our approach, centered on human rights and inclusivity, focuses on empowering the most vulnerable communities, thereby enhancing their quality of life and economic opportunities. With the backing of the EU, Germany, and global partners like UNICEF and KfW, NEWZA is setting new standards for sustainability and community empowerment in Zambia.


The NEWZA (Nexus Energy and Water Programme for Zambia) is a significant initiative under the European Union's Global Gateway strategy. The Global Gateway strategy is the EU's approach to boosting smart, clean, and secure links in digital, energy, and transport sectors and strengthening health, education, and research systems across the world. It aims to offer a sustainable and values-based alternative for infrastructure development on a global scale.

NEWZA is aligned with this broader vision as it specifically targets sustainable development challenges within Zambia by improving access to green energy and water. The program focuses on enhancing the operational and financial performance of water utilities across several provinces in Zambia, integrating renewable energy solutions and digital technologies to ensure more efficient and sustainable water and energy management. This initiative not only aims to improve local infrastructures but also supports Zambia's resilience against climate change, contributes to economic growth, and addresses social inclusion by focusing on vulnerable groups.

NEWZA serves as a flagship action under the Global Gateway, exemplifying the EU's commitment to fostering sustainable development partnerships that are mutually beneficial and aligned with global sustainability goals.

Why NEWZA? The NEWZA program addresses critical needs in Zambia’s water and energy sectors. It seeks to tackle longstanding issues of inefficient water and energy use, high operational costs, and limited access to clean water and sustainable energy, particularly in rural and underserved urban areas. The program aims to improve the quality of life for Zambians by ensuring reliable access to these essential services, which also contributes to socio-economic development and environmental sustainability.

Video file

How does NEWZA work? NEWZA operates through a comprehensive strategy that combines infrastructure development, capacity building, and the integration of renewable energy solutions. Key elements of the program include:

  1. Infrastructure Enhancement: Upgrading and expanding water supply systems, integrating digital technologies to improve management and efficiency.
  2. Renewable Energy Solutions: Implementing solar power solutions to drive water pumps and other critical infrastructure, reducing dependence on non-renewable power sources and lowering operational costs.
  3. Capacity Building: Strengthening the capabilities of local water utilities through training and technical support, ensuring sustainable management and operation of water and energy resources.
  4. Community Engagement and Support: Engaging local communities in the planning and implementation phases to ensure the solutions meet their needs and enhance local ownership and maintenance capabilities.

Learn more with our Factsheet

Zambia Eastern, Southern, Central, Copperbelt, Northern and Muchinga provinces.
118.1 million
Environment and Climate change
WASH, Water, Infrastructure
Contact Details

Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Zambia & COMESA, Political, Press and Information Section

Tel. +260 97 000 7092

European Union, Federal Republic of Germany through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) • UNICEF
European Union
GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) UNICEF
58.3 million