Factsheet Nexus Energy and Water Programme for Zambia Sustainable Water and Energy for a Greener Zambia


The Nexus Energy and Water Programme for Zambia (NEWZA) is a key initiative under the EU’s Global Gateway strategy, designed to improve the energy-water nexus across multiple provinces in Zambia. Funded by the EU, Germany and UNICEF, and implemented by the Water Utilities supported by KfW, GIZ and UNICEF in cooperation with the Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation, NWASCO and local ministries and authorities. NEWZA targets sustainable infrastructure development in the water and energy sectors. The programme integrates renewable energy, energy efficiency, digitisation, and technical assistance components to upgrade, expand and digitalise existing water supply systems but also to establish new stand-alone water supply systems for local communities, particularly those living in vulnerable situations, including women, children and youth. Improving WASH services, as well as increasing the resilience of local communities to climate change and the capacities and skills of water utilities management, are the four NEWZA intervention areas, using Human rights-based and gender transformative approaches.