EU ambassadors conclude visit to Aden


EU Ambassador to Yemen Gabriel Munuera Viñals,  Ambassador of France Jean-Marie Safa, Ambassador of Germany Hubert Jäger, Ambassador of the Netherlands Peter-Derrek Hof, Special Envoy of Italy Gianfranco Petruzzella and Deputy Ambassador of Finland Esko Männistö concluded today a joint visit to Aden.

The Ambassadors reiterated EU support for President Al Alimi and stressed the importance of PLC unity at this crucial time. They had an in-depth discussion with the President on recent developments, commending his commitment to peace and calling on all parties to engage constructively with ongoing efforts to reach a comprehensive and inclusive political settlement under UN auspices.

The Ambassadors also met Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalek Saeed, Foreign Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak, Minister of Defence Mohsen al-Daeri, Minister of Finance Salem bin Bureik and Governor of the CBY Ahmed Ghaleb al-Maabaqi. They commended efforts to stabilize the economy under challenging circumstances and encouraged the Government to continue implementing reforms and improve service delivery. They called for the delivery of financial pledges. They reiterated the importance of women inclusion.

They had very useful exchanges with civil society representatives, human rights defenders and beneficiaries of projects supported by the EU and its Member States. They stressed the EU’s unflinching commitment to a vibrant civil society and to the cause of human rights in Yemen.

The EU and its Member States are among Yemen’s top humanitarian and development donors, making the largest (USD 500 million) collective contribution at the latest Yemen Pledging Conference in February, as well as to the Safer tanker salvage operation. The European Union will remain by the side of the Yemenis as they strive for peace and development.