OSCE Annual Security Review Conference Vienna, 26 June 2024

Special Session

”Security situation in the OSCE area” Statement delivered by EEAS Managing Director for Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, regional cooperation and OSCE, Mr. Michael Siebert

Madame Chairperson,

Madame Secretary General,

Dear colleagues,

  1. For the third consecutive year, we are convening within the framework of the Annual Security Review Conference with an “open” agenda. This departure from the traditional agenda format, far from being a result of compromise, sends a strong message. It reminds us that the biggest security threat in our region is the ongoing war of aggression of one participating State, Russia, against another, Ukraine, with far-reaching consequences beyond the OSCE area.
  2. The EU and its Member States stand united in their strongest condemnation of Russia’s illegal, unprovoked and unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine. This war is not only an attack on Ukraine, it is a direct assault on the fundamental principles enshrined in the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and the 1990 Charter of Paris for a New Europe. These are the pillars upon which our global community and institutions are built. Challenging these principles undermines the European and international security order.
  3. The latest OSCE ‘Moscow Mechanism’ report, presented to the OSCE Permanent Council on 25 April 2024, the 4th of its kind since February 2022, left no uncertainty on the alarming scale and gravity of the violations committed by Russia since the onset of its full-scale invasion, in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and beyond. The EU is firmly committed to supporting Ukraine in its pursuit of accountability for violations of international law.
  4. The EU reiterates its unwavering support for Ukraine’s freedom, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders.  Russia must immediately cease its war of aggression against Ukraine, and completely and unconditionally withdraw all its forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine. Since the start of Russia’s war of aggression, the EU and its Member States have provided nearly EUR 104 billion worth of assistance, including more than EUR 39 billion in military support. We are determined to continue supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes and as intensely as needed for Ukraine to prevail.
  5. The recent Summit on Peace in Ukraine, with the participation of representatives from 100 countries from all continents and international organisations, confirmed the need to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine based on the UN Charter and international law. The EU stands ready to support tangible steps for its follow-up.
  6. The EU condemns Russia’s destabilising and malign activities in the OSCE region. The aim is to distract us all from its war of aggression against Ukraine, to destabilise our societies and to threaten our collective security. Russia must uphold its international obligations and commitments and stop its state-controlled disinformation and other malign activities, including attempts at subversion, coercion and intimidation. The EU is determined to make use of the full spectrum of measures to deter and respond to Russia’s malicious behaviour in cyberspace and other destabilising activities.
  7. In Belarus, since the fraudulent elections in 2020, the situation has worsened. The regime continues to provide support to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, even though Belarus has not participated in the aggression directly. We call on Belarus to refrain from such actions and to abide by its international obligations. The regime’s complicity unfortunately affects the situation of civil society, but ordinary Belarusians should not be identified with the regime. We know that the support to Russia’s war of aggression is not popular in Belarus. We will continue to distinguish clearly between the regime and the many who support the democratic forces.
  8. The European Union continues its efforts to contribute to the peaceful resolution of protracted conflicts in the OSCE area. The EU reiterates its unwavering support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all our partners within their internationally recognised borders. The EU continues its support for advancing a sustainable and lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the principles of recognition of sovereignty, the inviolability of borders and territorial integrity.
  9. In Central Asia, the consequences of the situation in Afghanistan, Russia’s ongoing war, and the conflict in the Middle East continue to have an adverse effect and the EU is ready to support addressing these threats. The EU welcomes and supports the peaceful settlement of border issues in the region, and progress in regional cooperation on cross-border water management.
  10. In the Western Balkans, the EU’s strong focus on enlargement is a strategic response to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. This remains all the more important in view of the continued challenges related to rule of law reform, governance, cybersecurity, foreign information manipulation and interference.
  11. Madame Chairperson, the European Union firmly believes that the OSCE continues to be an essential platform for addressing the shared security challenges we face. Ensuring the OSCE’s foundational vision, its functionality and resilience should guide our actions, as they will shape our future security and stability.

     Thank you.