EU Statement – UN General Assembly 4th Committee: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

3 November 2023, New York - European Union Statement[1] 78th  Session of the United Nations  General Assembly, Fourth Committee, Agenda item 49: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East


[1] In accordance with Resolution 65/276 (Participation of the European Union in the work of the United Nations)

Thank you Chair,

The European Union reaffirms its deep and genuine appreciation for UNRWA’s work and for its dedicated staff operating in extremely difficult and challenging contexts. We wish, in particular, to offer our sincere condolences at the deaths of so many UNRWA staff members and commend the enormous efforts done by UNRWA in Gaza since the start of the hostilities. UNRWA has been providing shelter to the displaced population in its premises and it has been providing basic services such as food and water despite the difficult security situation.

The European Union reiterates the importance of ensuring the protection of all civilians at all times in line with international humanitarian law and deplores all loss of civilian life. We call for the protection of medical facilities, schools and UN premises, as well as other infrastructure meant to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance. All civilian infrastructure must be protected.



UNRWA is pivotal to the delivery of essential services to Palestine refugees; the agency provides them with necessary protection thus promoting their resilience. Moreover, UNRWA through its services continues to make a key contribution to the viability of the two-state solution, which remains the only realistic way to achieve a just and lasting peace. Until such a solution is reached, we will continue to support UNRWA in all its fields of operations. The European Union is ready to contribute to reviving a political process on the basis of the two-state solution.

UNRWA is also a stabilising force in the region being an essential provider of vital services to millions of Palestine refugees. The provision of health services for all refugees and education for many young Palestinians is particularly important, not only in Gaza and Syria, but also in Jordan, Lebanon and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. In this regard, the EU also wishes to reiterate its deep appreciation for the continuing generosity and efforts of the host countries in support of the Agency and the welfare of Palestine refugees.


The EU and its Member States are collectively the largest contributors to UNRWA's budget. The European Union remains a staunch and predictable supporter of UNRWA, both politically and financially.  We will continue to support UNRWA in the future, also in our current role as vice-chair of the Advisory Commission.

UNRWA’s has financial situation has been difficult for several years, but it is now critical. As in previous years, the EU and its Member States have continued to answer the Agency’s call for more funding in response to the latest flash appeal for Gaza. However, it is clear that traditional donors alone cannot fill the shortfall. The EU therefore welcomes additional financial support from other and new donors and calls upon all partners to do so through multi-annual contributions, which guarantee predictability and facilitate budget management.

In this context, we look forward to exploring ways to ensure a sustainable financing model for the Agency.  Interruption of the vital services that the Agency provides is in nobody’s interest.

Thank you.


[*] In accordance with Resolution 65/276 (Participation of the European Union in the work of the United Nations)