EU Explanation of Vote – UN General Assembly: Draft Resolution on Combating glorification of Nazism

4 November 2022, New York - Explanation of Vote by the European Union at the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly after the vote on the Draft Resolution “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”

Mister Chair,


I have the honor to speak on behalf of the European Union. The candidate country Ukraine aligns itself with this statement.


For many European countries, the end of the Second World War did not bring freedom, but further occupation and more repression and in some cases even crimes against humanity by other totalitarian regimes. Indeed, the most devastating parts of Europe’s history have been the result of totalitarian ideologies, including Nazism.


Today, under the false pretense of fighting Nazism, Russia has brought the horrors of war back to Europe, along with the reminder that peace cannot be taken for granted.


We strongly condemn the abuse of the argument of the fight against Nazism, and reject the inaccurate and inappropriate use of the term 'denazification' by Russia to justify its inhumane, cruel and illegal war of aggression against Ukraine, the continued impacts of which are dire, not only for the people of Ukraine, but for people around the world. Such distortion erodes our understanding of the Holocaust, disrespects its legacy and undermines democratic principles.


With regards to the resolution in front of us today, the European Union has pleaded for years that the fight against extremism and the condemnation of the despicable ideology of Nazism must not be misused and co-opted for politically motivated purposes that seek to excuse new violations and abuses of human rights.


We would like to stress again that the tragic past of the Second World War should continue to serve as a moral and political inspiration to face the challenges of today’s world.


The European Union is unequivocal in its commitment to the global fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, anti-semitism and related intolerance. Our joint fight against contemporary forms of all extremist and totalitarian ideologies, including neo-Nazism, must be a joint priority for the whole international community.


For all these reasons, the Member States of the European Union had to adapt their approach towards resolution L.5.


For these reasons the EU will vote NO on resolution L5.


Thank you, Chair.