WHO - Pandemic Agreement/IHR negotiations (related documents)

The EU has been an active and engaged partner in the negotiations towards such an agreement since the beginning. Please find below all documents related to this process:

1. Pandemic agreement


Commission services reflection paper, released on 1 September 2021:


EU Statement delivered at the 3rd Working Group on Strengthening WHO preparedness and response to health emergencies, held on 4 to 6 October 2021:


Documents related to the second special session of the World Health Assembly, held on 29 November to 1 December 2021:


Substantive elements for a WHO international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response – Discussion notes (9 November 2022)


Documents related to the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body - INB 1:

EU comments on INB Document A_INB_1_12.pdf


Documents related to the second meeting of the INB – INB 2:

  • Written comments prepared by the European Union and its Member States on the “Working draft of a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” (document A/INB/2/3), as submitted to the INB Bureau on 15 September 2022 INB2 - Working draft - written input by the EU and its MS.pdf


Documents related to the third meeting of the INB – INB 3


Documents related to the fourth and fifth meetings of the INB – INB 4 and INB 5:

  • EU statement delivered at the fourth meeting of the INB, held on 27 February to 3 March

    INB 4 Opening statement from the EU and its Member States.pdf

  • European Union initial textual proposals for an agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response in view of the fifth meeting of the INB 5 (from 3 to 6 April 2023): 

         Rationale EU text proposals INB 28 March.pdf /Rationale EU texts proposals - French translation.




Documents related to the seventh meeting of the INB – INB 7:


Documents related to the eight meeting of the INB – INB 8:


Documents related to the ninth meeting of the INB – INB 9:


Documents related to the seventy-seventh World Health Assembly – WHA 77:

2. Amendments to the International Health Regulations
  • Submission of proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005), pursuant to decision WHA75(9) of the World Health Assembly

Submission of proposed IHR amendments to WHO.pdf

  • Explanatory notes on the proposed amendments submitted to WHO

Explanations for the amendments to the International Health Regulations.pdf