HRC55 - Interactive dialogue with the independent international fact-finding mission on the situation of human rights in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - EU Statement


55th session

Interactive dialogue with the independent international fact-finding mission on the situation of human rights in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (oral update)

20 March

EU statement


Mr. President,

The European Union thanks the Fact-Finding Mission for its update and reiterates its support to your valuable work.

We remain concerned over the complex situation in Venezuela, where the authorities  continue to carry out actions that undermine democracy and the rule of law in the past few months. We are particularly worried about the increased threats and restrictions against human rights defenders and civil society organizations, recent incidents of arbitrary detention of political opponents, and the reactivation of the legislative process to adopt a law targeting NGOs.

We reiterate that credible, inclusive and competitive elections which warrant an electoral process that reflects the aspirations of the people of Venezuela and ensures their active participation, are the key in establishing a peaceful and democratic society.

The EU stresses the need to end impunity, hold perpetrators of human rights violations and abuses accountable through effective and impartial investigations, and release all political prisoners.

We renew our call on the authorities to cooperate with and fully implement all recommendations from all UN’s human rights mechanisms and to fully cooperate with the FFM.

Madam Valiñas,

What can be done to protect human rights defenders  and independent voices amongst civil society and to ensure that those who cooperate with your mandate are safeguarded against reprisals?     

Thank you.