Assistance to Ukrainian authorities in implementation of the National waste management strategy


Description: The specific objective of this contract is to assist MENR, MinRegion, regional and local level authorities and other stakeholders in implementation of National Waste Management Strategy through provision of training in selected pilot regions on: development of regional waste management plans; preparation of waste management investment projects with the link to the plans; assisting the MENR and MinRegion in drafting implementing legislation in municipal waste management area; drafting Terms of Reference for a new technical assistance project for  implementation and enforcement of the waste management legislation on regional and local level in Ukraine, suitable in structure and quality for the EU external assistance tender procedure and requirements.

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine.

Implementing organisations: COWI BELGIUM SPRL

Duration: from 01/2019 to 03/2020

EU Contribution: € 278,550.00

Environment and Climate change