Ambassador Tapiola congratulates team member on her 20th year in service at the Delegation



On 11 March 2021, Ambassador Pirkka Tapiola had the great pleasure to present a commemorative medal and certificate from Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, to Khun Suchada Loidoenshai, Finance, Contract & Audit Officer, and congratulate her on her 20th year in service at the European Union in Thailand.

Khun Suchada, known around the office as “Pi Yoon”, is responsible for approving funds and monitoring projects that the EU co-funds with partners in Thailand for social development in all dimensions. Pi Yoon had no idea what the EU was before she joined the team. “The only thing I remembered well was the blue flag with yellow stars flying on poles at various hotels. Then, one day I spotted a job opening in a newspaper and I simply went ahead with the job application. Although I had to go through a few challenging tests and interviews, I was over the moon when I got accepted!” she recalled.

Projects under her responsibility include the Social Support Project in partnership with the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives to support SMEs, which has been running for over 8 years, as well as an environmental project in collaboration with the Government of Thailand to tackle the global warming.

“What I love about my job over the past 20 years is all the fresh challenges that come my way, including overseeing existing and new projects conceived by the EU-Thailand partnership. I am proud that I have a part in supporting the EU in driving projects contributing to the development in Thailand. Such experience shows me time and again the way the EU works, where it does not involve only diplomatic operation through cooperation, dialogue exchanges and negotiations, but also tangible projects for the genuine benefits of all sectors of the society.” added Pi Yoon.

The EU in Thailand is happy for Pi Yoon and wishes to thank her for having been playing an important part in the EU-Thailand cooperation for two highly committed decades!