Filip Grzegorzewski, representing the European Union in Taiwan, is a senior diplomat in the European External Action Service. He specialises in Asia and has held key positions in both his national diplomatic service and that of the European Union. He has been the Head of the European Economic and Trade Office since 1 September 2019.

  • Image
    Filip Grzegorzewski, Head of Office

    Filip Grzegorzewski, Head of Office

    Copyright: Filip Grzegorzewski

Message from the Head of Office

Dear friends,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the European Economic and Trade Office, which represents the European Union in Taiwan.

Taiwan is a like-minded partner of the European Union in many ways. We enjoy a free and open society. We share the values of democracy, the rule of law and human rights. Moreover, we share the interests of regional peace, stability and prosperity across the Asia-Pacific.

Our economic ties are strong. The bilateral trade between the EU and Taiwan is over €49.3bn, and Taiwan is now the EU’s 14th largest trading partner in the world. The European Union is also the largest foreign investor and I am proud that more than 25% of foreign investments in Taiwan come from the European Union. I am very much looking forward to further engaging with Taiwan on issues where we face common challenges and have common interests such as a fair and open trading system, climate change, green energy and digital economy.

Learn more about the EU and our policies and actions by exploring our website.
You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and follow me on my Twitter account.

Filip Grzegorzewski

Head of the European Economic and Trade Office