Welcome Ambassador MEYER-LANDRUT!


Ambassador Nikolaus MEYER-LANDRUT who has been appointed as the Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey, assumed office as of yesterday! Welcome Ambassador MEYER-LANDRUT! 


Ambassador Nikolaus MEYER-LANDRUT who has been appointed as the Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey, assumed office as of yesterday! Welcome Ambassador MEYER-LANDRUT! 

Being a German career diplomat coming from Paris to Ankara, Ambassador Landrut served in France as German Ambassador in the last years. For his full biography please read below.

On his first day in Ankara as new Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer Landrut is sending his warm greetings to Turkish people.


EU Flag



Date of birth: 9 July 1960

Place of birth: Düsseldorf, Germany

Nationality: German



01.09.2020  | present


Head of the European Union Delegation to Turkey


27.07.2015 | 31.08.2020

German Ambassador to France and Monaco

Head of the German Embassy


01.02.2011 | 01.07.2015

Director General for European Affairs at the Federal Chancellery

Chief EU Adviser of Chancellor Merkel


01.05.2006 | 31.01.2011

Deputy Director General for European Affairs at the Federal Chancellery

Deputy EU Adviser of Chancellor Merkel


01.09.2003 | 30.04.2006

Head of the EU Policy Division at the Federal Foreign Office

Responsible for EU Coordination within in the German Government



1987 | 1988

Doctorate in history

University of Cologne, Germany

Thesis on: France and the German Unity. French Reactions to the proposals made by Stalin in 1952.


1981 | 1987

“Magister” of History and German philology

University of Cologne, Germany

Thesis on: The rise of early absolutism in modern Spain under Charles V.



  • Mother tongue: German
  • Other languages: English, French, Spanish
  • Other missions:  Spokesperson of the German EU Mission 1999 - 2002 | Spokesperson of the European Convention 2002 - 2003 | Speechwriter for the President of the European Convention Valery Giscard d’Estaing and the German Federal Chancellor


For further information, please contact the Delegation:

Miray Akdağ - Press Officer


M +90 532 624 93 56  / T +90 312 459 88 77


Ambassador Landrut  in his office with a EU flag behind him


Ambassador Landrut standing up