Visibility Guidelines

This text supplements three previous documents:

These three documents form an integral part of the new communication and visibility rules that are currently in place. The new guidelines specify the requirements for appropriate EU visibility and explain the new approach towards strategic communication for projects implemented outside of the European Union (external actions).


1.       Strategic Communication of projects

Partners should no longer automatically include a specific budget and plan for communication (the “communication and visibility plan”) as part of their project.

However, there are certain projects and implementing partners for which it makes sense to include the strategic communication in their project activities (for example, but not limited, when the project covers one of the main policy priorities of the EU in the relevant country and when the implementing partner has the capacity to have an impact and important outreach to our relevant audience through well-established communication channels). In such specific cases, exceptionally and with prior agreement of the EU Delegation, communication activities for projects/programmes may be funded as part of the action (chapter 3 of the 2022 guidelines for further details).

Promotional materials like pens, notebooks, USB sticks, etc. should be avoided as their impact on EU communication and visibility is very limited. The communication activities to be implemented are considered project activities and thus falling under the budget for project activities.

The requirement to ensure EU visibility (emblem and funding statement, see also point 4 below) on any material or activity which directly relates to the project is an obligation and remains for all projects – for example, ensuring EU emblem and funding statement on signage, billboards, publications, digital assets, supplies, etc. The costs associated with ensuring EU visibility are eligible and can be included in the project budget.

2.       Programme names not together with the EU emblem

Both the EU emblem and the funding statement are essential to acknowledge EU support. They always go hand in hand and must not be separated.

The EU emblem must not be modified or merged with any other graphic element or text. Apart from the EU emblem, no other visual identity or logo can be used to highlight the EU support. If other logos are displayed in addition to the EU emblem, the latter must be at least the same size as the biggest of the other logos.

Some projects/programmes put the project/programme name directly next to the EU emblem. This is not in line with the current communication and visibility guidelines.


Projects/programmes must always use the EU emblem with the funding statement and only, separated from the programme name (there should not be an additional programme logo).


3.       Individual communication and visibility guidelines produced by Delegations or individual programmes

Some EU programmes have created their own visibility guidelines for their implementing partners to provide additional information about the requirements on communication and visibility. This might lead to misinterpretations of the official communication and visibility guidelines. For this reason, the EU strongly discourages the use of individual guidelines.


4.       EU emblem and funding statement

In Türkiye, the derogation granted on the use of logo in January 2021 no longer applies for projects contracted after July 2022. The cooperation logo to be used is:


The funding statement will continue to be “Funded by the European Union” or “Co-funded by the European Union”.

Exceptionally, the multi-annual programmes and FRIT projects will continue using the wavy flag with the same funding statement: 



The font of the funding statement should be in Ariel.

The logo should be placed on top left or middle.


You can download logos in different formats here

"Funded by the European Union" Logos



You can download logos in different formats here

"Co-funded by the European Union" Logos

Programming period 2021-2027
Funded by the European Union (horizontal and vertical)


Click here to download logo package

Use of other logos:

The logos of the implementing partners should be vertically half size of the Turkish flag. The logos that are placed on the bottom row should not be any different from the logos of the contracting authority, implementing agency and the beneficiary.

Only logos of UN institutions are to be placed on the right bottom corner of the visual. The logos of the profit making contractor/ implementing agencies cannot be used/placed.

All logos placed in the bottom row should be relevant to the project. The main logo of the institution – just one logo – must be used rather than a sub-section (such as directorate) of the institution.



You can download logos here.

The EU Facility for Refugees in Türkiye (FRIT) Project Logos