European Union brings relief to victims of floods in Sri Lanka

The European Union is allocating €200,000 (over 65 million Sri Lanka rupees) to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to families affected by the widespread flooding occurred inSri Lanka over the past weeks. The aid will benefit 77,000 people in some of the most affected regions, particularly in the Sabaragamuwa, southern, western, and northwestern provinces.

This EU funding will support the Sri Lanka Red Cross in delivering assistance, including household items such as clothing and hygiene items, drinking water bottles and multipurpose cash grants. Mobile medical camps are providing first aid to populations trapped by the floodwaters, while cleaning activities will be carried out to prevent dengue mosquito breeding.  

The funding is part of the EU’s overall contribution to the Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Since mid-May, due to an intensification of the southwest monsoon, unprecedented rainfall was recorded in several regions of Sri Lanka, causing severe flash floods and mudslides. The extreme weather caused significant damage to more than 2000 homes, infrastructure, and livelihoods. Many people have lost their household belongings and it is estimated that over 15 000 farmers have lost their crops, while many others have lost their daily income. The floodwater has also contaminated sources of drinking water.