Together to protect marine life – #EUBeachCleanup 2022!

Every year in September, the EU organises an ocean-activism and awareness-raising campaign –#EUBeachCleanup - featuring events across the world.

On September 1st, the EU Delegation to Somalia received in its premises in Mogadishu a small delegation from Greenwatch Trust and Eco Hub.

These two Somali NGOs led by young citizens are committed through various actions to raise awareness among the Somali people - in particular youth - about the urgent need to better protect the environment in Somalia. Both NGOs are for instance very active in organising green school clubs and weekly beach clean-up events in Mogadishu city and the EU Delegation was pleased to discuss potential areas of future collaboration and support.

This meeting was followed on September 3rd by a joint beach clean-up campaign along a 2.5 km beach stretch within the Mogadishu International Airport Area, co-organised by the EU Delegation to Somalia, one of its missions (EUCAP Somalia) and the United Nations agencies.