Launch of the first phase of the Dakar public transport network restructuring project.

The Government and Team Europe today officially launched the first phase (2023-2026) of the Dakar public transport network restructuring project. This project consists of the acquisition of 380 new gas-powered buses which will strengthen and modernize the rolling stock fleet on 14 lines, the construction of 2 depot workshops for the maintenance and storage of buses, urban development work involving over 30 km of roads, 8 crossroads, bus stops and termini.

To guarantee the viability of investments in mass transport (TER and BRT) and improve public transport services, it is essential to reorganize and strengthen the public transport network to set up an effective feeder system.

Simon Vanden Broeke - Représentant de l'Ambassadeur de l'UE au Sénégal

This is how the Executive Council for Sustainable Urban Transport (CETUD), the organizing authority for urban public transport in Dakar, initiated the global restructuring project of the public transport network, the commissioning of the first phase of which is planned during the fourth quarter of 2026. The overall investment for this phase is 267 billion FCFA, financed by the State of Senegal (57 billion), the European Investment Bank (109.5), the French Development Agency (67.9), the German cooperation through the “KfW” Development Bank (19.7) and the European Union (12.9).

These new projects will make it possible to strengthen the urban transport offering, in response to the growing demand for travel in the urban area while promoting inclusive economic development and a reduction in environmental pollution. Furthermore, the project will contribute to job creation and will support transport operators (AFTU and Dakar Dem Dikk) in strengthening their capacities for a quality transport service.

The Minister of Infrastructure and Land and Air Transport indicated the firm desire of the State to materialize the project to modernize the public transport offering in Dakar, but also in other large cities in the country, to improve conditions of user travel and increase the contribution of transport to the economic development of Senegal. He congratulated CETUD and AGEROUTE while urging the various stakeholders, State services, development partners, transport operators and users, to be better involved for the success of the project.

Jean-Marc Pisani, the European Union ambassador to Senegal, added, on behalf of Team Europe: “Develop and modernize transport systems that are efficient, inclusive, less polluting and with less impact on the environment. climate, are ambitions in line with the EU Global Gateway initiative and which Team Europe is committed to achieving alongside the Senegalese State to make a difference in the daily lives of the Dakar population, especially for young people ".

Contact :
Mme Fatou DIOP, Responsable communication CETUD
Tél. : 78 116 09 08 / E-mail :

Rose C. Kane, Responsable médias et communication institutionnelle
Délégation UE au Sénégal / Tél : 77 558 08 27