European Day of Languages in Moscow

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."

Nelson Mandela

An annual festival “European Day of Languages” took place in the Universal University of Creative Industries on 23 September. The festival was organised by EUNIC, a global network of European national institutes for culture, and the Universal University.

The European Day of Languages is celebrated every year on 26 September in different countries in Europe. The festival aimed to encourage people to pick up learning languages. Knowledge of different languages helps in better understanding different cultures and traditions, broadens one’s scope and helps build connections between people.

Roland Galharague, the EU Ambassador to Russia, said at the opening ceremony: “The European Language Day in Moscow is a celebration of the power of language to unite, inspire, and enrich our lives. It is a reminder that in our differences, we find strength, and in our languages, we find the voices of our collective soul. Let us cherish and protect this invaluable heritage, for it is a gift that we pass on to future generations.”

During the whole day, visitors had a unique opportunity to appreciate the beauty and depth of 21 European languages. They could attend language classes for beginners and advanced learners. A speak dating, 5-minute small talks with a native speaker, was also a great success with the public. People could communicate to native speakers from cultural centres and even to some ambassadors of the European countries.

Lectures, master-classes and quizzes also ran through the whole Saturday. In the common area, there were a number of stands of the European cultural centres and institutes with information about education, language courses and exams. Guests could also swap books and sometimes they found rare treasures in the piles of books for exchange.