Learn more about your right to consular protection and how you can benefit from it in Peru.


You are an EU citizen in Peru?

Consular protection is the help an EU Member State can provide to its citizens in case they need assistance abroad. Typically, consular protection can include cases such as:

  • A need for emergency travel documents;
  • A serious accident or serious illness;
  • Relief and repatriation in case of an emergency;
  • Being a victim of crime;
  • Arrest or detention;
  • Death.

You are an EU citizen in need of consular protection in Peru?

  • You can contact your resident Embassy.
  • If your EU Member State has no resident Embassy able to provide consular protection] in Peru, you can turn to another EU Member State for consular protection.

Indeed, any EU citizen abroad whose own Member State has no local representation is entitled to receive consular protection from the diplomatic or consular authorities of any other EU Member State. In that case, EU citizens are entitled to benefit from consular protection under the same conditions as the nationals of that other EU Member State.

You can find contact details of the resident EU Member States Embassies in Peru in the list below.

As an EU citizen, you can take simple steps to make consular protection more effective, for example:

  • Following the travel advice issued by your country’s Foreign Ministry.
  • When abroad, registering with your Embassy or Consulate and/or through dedicated platforms, if applicable.
  • Other tips include keeping an electronic copy of your travel documents, subscribing to a travel insurance or saving crisis contact details.


Embassies of the Member States of the European Union accredited in Peru

 In Peru, 15 have a resident Embassy:

German embassy 

Av. Dionisio Derteano 144,
edificio Alto Caral, pisos 7 y 8,
San Isidro 
phone: (+51-1) 203-5940,
Fax: (+51-1) 422-4813
Postal Address : 18-0504 Lima 18 
Email: info@lima.diplo.de
Web: www.lima.diplo.de

Austrian embassy 

Av. República de Colombia 643,
Piso 5, edificio Las Naciones,
San Isidro, Lima-27 
phone: (+51-1) 442-0503 , 
(+51-1) 442-1807 
Fax: (+51-1) 442-8851 
Email: lima-ob@bmeia.gv.at
Web: www.bmeia.gv.at

Belgian embassy 

Av. Angamos Oeste 380,
Miraflores, Lima-18 
phone: (+51-1) 241-7566 
Fax: (+51-1) 241-6379 
Email: lima@diplobel.fed.be
Web: www.diplomatie.be

Embassy of Spain 

Av. Jorge Basadre 498,
San Isidro, Lima-27 
phone: (+51-: (+51-1) 212-5155 
Fax: (+51-1) 440-2020 
Email: emb.lima@maec.es
Web: www.exteriores.gob.es

Finnish embassy 

Calle Santa María 120
San Isidro 
Postal address: Casilla postal 270155, Lima-27 
Teléfono: (+51-1) 222 4466 
Email: sanomat.lim@formin.fi
Web: https://finlandabroad.fi/web/per/pagina-principal

France embassy 

Av. Arequipa 3415, San Isidro, Lima-27 
Phone: (+51-1) 215-8400 
Email: france.consulat@ambafrance-pe.org
Web: www.ambafrance-pe.org

Greek embassy 

Av. El Rosario 234,
San Isidro 
phone: (+51-1) 221 3414 
Email: gremb.lima@mfa.gr
Web: http://www.mfa.gr

Hungarian embassy 

Av. Jorge Basadre 1580,
San Isidro 
Phone: (+51-1) 620 9520; 620 9521 
Email: mission.lim@mfa.gov.hu
Web: https://lima.mfa.gov.hu/

Italian embassy 

Av. Giuseppe Garibaldi 298,
Jesús María, Lima-11 
Phone: (+51-1) 463-2727 
Email: ambasciata.lima@esteri.it
Web: www.amblima.esteri.it

The embassy of the Netherlands

Av. José Larco 1301, Torre Parque Mar,
piso 13, Miraflores, Lima
phone: (+51-1) 213-9800 
Email: lim@minbuza.nl
Web: www.paísesbajosytu.nl

Embassy of Poland 

Av. Salaverry 1978,
Jesús María, Lima-11 
Phone: (+51-1) 471-3920, 
(+51-1) 471-3925 
Email: lima@msz.gov.pl
Web: www.lima.polemb.net

Embassy of Portugal 

Av. Pardo y Aliaga 640 piso 16,
San Isidro, Lima-27 
phone: (+51-1) 628-7164 
Email: lima@mne.pt

Embassy of the Czech Republic 

Calle Baltazar La Torre 398,
San Isidro, Lima-27 
phone: (+51-1) 264-3381 , (+51-1) 264-3374 
Email: lima@embassy.mzv.cz
Web: www.mfa.cz/lima

Romanian embassy 

Av Jorge Basadre 690,
San Isidro, Lima-27 
phone: (+51-1) 422-4587 
Email: lima@mae.ro
Web: http://lima.mae.ro/

Swedish embassy 

Calle Santa María 120,
San Isidro 
Phone (+51-1) 566-9240 
Email: ambassaden.lima@gov.se
Web: www.swedenabroad.se



Please note that the EU Delegation in Peru cannot provide direct consular assistance.