Encouraging local and global youth collaboration: second face-to-face meeting of the EU-Panama Youth Sounding Board

On Friday 21 June, the Delegation hosted the second face-to-face meeting of the European Union Youth Sounding Board (in Spanish: Altavoz Juvenil) in Panama. Members of all 11 Panamanian youth organisations that make up the Youth Sounding Board were present. 


On Friday, June 21, the Delegation hosted the second face-to-face meeting of the Youth Sounding Board, whose objective is to consult the local and youth perspective on Panama and European actions in the country, as well as to make visible its important work and generate synergies. This occasion brought together all member organisations: Jóvenes Unidos por la Educación, Asociación Panameña de Debate, Dame un Chance, Fundación Espacio Creativo, Jóvenes y Cambio Climático, La Red de Jóvenes por el Agua Centroamericana, Consejo Nacional de Juventud, ANYAR, Fundación Contra-Peso, Espacio Encuentro de Mujeres y Colectivo Voces Ecológicas. The Youth Sounding Board was launched in November 2023


Youth as an agent of change

Ambassador Izabela Matusz welcomed the group, noting the importance of youth and initiatives such as the Youth Sounding Board.

Young people are important agents of change and play a key role in addressing global challenges, contributing to sustainable development and driving innovations. 

The aim of this second meeting was to strengthen the collaboration around the Youth Sounding Board and define the next steps to follow. Therefore, the Delegation offered a space for exchange, creation of synergies and connections. At the same time, the European Union is open to listen to their proposals and ideas in order to develop this space together. 


Collaboration at the local level

With a view to integrating the new members of the Youth Sounding Board, the Delegation of the European Union offered a brief overview of the previous activities, including meetings and participation of events such as the Christmas Concert 2023, the Jazz Night for Women's Day 2024, and Espacio EUROPA. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contribution to our celebration of Europe Day in May. More than 1,000 people visited the event Espacio EUROPA in its two days and we want to highlight your contribution and participation in several panels. 

Izabela Matusz, Ambassador of the European Union to Panama 

After reflecting together on the EUROPA Space and the participation of the Sounding Board, each representative shared the future activities of the organisation s/he belongs to, ranging from empathic lunches and debate tournaments, to beach cleanings and short film screenings. Synergies were sought with the initiatives of other organisations and the Delegation. 

Members agreed to meet on a more regular basis, also in an informal setting with the purpose of strengthening interpersonal ties. It was also decided to create several thematic subgroups to advance issues of common interest, such as the preparation of the statutes of the Youth Sounding Board, communication, regional connection or the organisation of specific events. 

In addition to joining the preparation of events led by the EU Delegation, the Youth Sounding Board is exploring the possibilities of launching its own joint project. 


Collaboration at the regional and global level

The Delegation shared that important efforts are being made from the headquarters in Brussels to connect young people both regionally and globally. 

In this regard, a high-level meeting is being organised in Brussels, highlighting the importance of youth exchange and co-creation of the youth agenda. Two focal points from Panama were appointed to assist in the preparation of the meeting in Brussels, where the current Chair will represent the EU-Panama Youth Sounding Board. 

After a first online regional meeting, members are eager to connect with Sounding Boards across the LAC region, with a particular interest in connecting with those who are active for a longer period and discussing their lessons learnt and best practices. 


Cultural exchange between European and Panamanian youth 

After concluding the formal part of the meeting, the Youth Sounding Board met with Team Europe Youth, the group of young Europeans working in European institutions in Panama. 

The two youth groups enjoyed a guided tour of the different exhibitions of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Panama. This cultural activity provoked them to experiment, reflect, debate and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. 

The day culminated with a networking opportunity.