The European Union provides €20 million to support the Palestinian COVID-19 vaccination campaign

The European Union has made a contribution of €20 million to the Palestinian Authority to support the cost of COVID-19 vaccines authorised by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and purchased by the Palestinian Authority. 

The reimbursement of costs incurred for the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines will help the Palestinian Authority to meet part of its financial obligations towards its citizens amid the difficult fiscal situation. It will notably support the Palestinian Authority to respond to COVID-19 pandemic, which is still present, while alleviating its financial burden and consequences.


"We have been at the forefront of the international efforts to curb the pandemic by ensuring access to vaccines across the globe, including here in Palestine. The EU contributed, in this respect, both by contributing to the global initiative ‘COVAX’ which Palestine benefited from, and with the EUR 20 million support to the Palestinian COVID-19 vaccination campaign, as direct financial support provided to the Palestinian Authority. With this payment, the EU reaffirms its commitment to support the building of accountable institutions ready for an independent, democratic and viable future Palestinian state", said the Deputy European Union Representative Maria Velasco


Since 2008, most of the European Union's assistance to the Palestinian Authority (PA)  is channelled through the PEGASE Direct Financial Support mechanism, supporting the PA reform process and various national development plans, currently the National Policy Agenda (NPA) 2017-2022. PEGASE supports the PA’s recurrent expenditures, mainly the salaries and pensions of civil servants, the social allowances paid through the cash transfer programme and part of the costs of referrals to the East Jerusalem Hospitals.  An additional financial contribution of €20 million is also channelled this year to the Palestinian Authority through PEGASE to support the vaccination campaign for all Palestinians. Since February 2008, over €2.9 billion were disbursed through PEGASE by the European Commission and various development partners, mostly EU Member States. In addition, the EU provides assistance to the Palestinian people through UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, as well as through a wide range of other cooperation projects.


The Office of the European Union Representative 

Shadi Othman (02 5415 867, 0599 673 958); Inas Abu Shirbi (02 541 5 859, 0599 673 957)