EU Gender Action Plan III: Country-Level Implementation Plan (CLIP) for the Republic of North Macedonia


Gender equality is a core value of the European Union and an imperative for good governance, social and economic growth, peace and security. The EU Gender Action Plan (GAP) III 2021-2025, adopted in November 2020, reflects the main objectives of the EU Gender Equality Strategy and mainstreams gender equality and women’s empowerment through all external policies and actions.

The GAP III Country-Level Implementation Plan (CLIP) for North Macedonia, prepared by the EU Delegation in coordination with EU Member States’ embassies, creates both political and programmatic commitments on gender equality. It provides a common approach for all actors at country level for an effective implementation of national and international legal frameworks on gender equality and women’s rights, mainstreaming gender equality into EU integration and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), and strengthening the institutional mechanisms in line with the EU standards.