Government of Nepal – International Development Partners Joint Statement on Green Recovery in Nepal



Government of Nepal – International Development Partners

Statement of Support for Green Recovery

The Government of Nepal and Development Partners recognise that COVID-19 and climate change severely threaten Nepal’s development achievements and ambitions. In response, Nepal’s Development Partners are united in their commitment to support the Government of Nepal’s Relief, Recovery and Resilience (3R) Plan to enable Nepal’s “green, and sustainable recovery” from the COVID-19 pandemic. This requires mobilizing investment to protect lives and secure jobs and livelihoods as an immediate priority, and build resilience, strengthen inclusion, enhance sustainability, and promote efficiency of resource use in the longer term.

Based on our shared interests the Government of Nepal and Development Partners[1] have agreed to work together on a joint green recovery package to help Nepal get back on track to achieve Middle Income Status and the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The package is firmly based on the Government’s 15th Development Plan, climate ambitions, and the following shared principles for green recovery support that will:

  • Support the Government’s plans and sector strategies;
  • Ensure the green recovery is inclusive, promotes citizen engagement and the critical role of women and civil society in Nepal’s development;
  • Support the mandates of Nepal’s local, provincial and federal governments; and
  • Recognise the role of international cooperation and investment in Nepal’s green recovery.

The package includes support for the initial response to COVID-19, approved and pipeline projects, and forthcoming projects that are being identified and designed that support green recovery. Initial estimates[2] of the scale of Development Partner grant and loan support are:

  • Up to $ 840 Million for immediate COVID-19 needs including direct health care and vaccine access, and support for livelihoods and vulnerable groups; and
  • Up to $ 6.6 Billion for supporting green recovery in the four areas of:
  • Nature-based solutions for growth and job creation in agriculture, forestry and biodiversity and water management, and tackling the impacts of climate change in the Himalayas;
  • Green and resilient infrastructure, urban development and pollution management, that together create jobs and protect human health;
  • Increasing resilience to future shocks such as health, climate and earthquake risks, by strengthening health, social protection, education and disaster management systems; and
  • Stimulating private sector recovery, and increasing green investment and job creation in finance, tourism, clean energy, waste management, forestry and agriculture.

Nepal’s Development Partners now wish to take forward the development of a joint green recovery plan with the Government of Nepal, based on the above principles and areas of shared interest.


[1] Development partners associating themselves with this statement Include: ADB, EU, Finland, France, Germany, INGOs, JICA, KOICA, Norway SDC, UK, UN, USAID, and the World Bank.

[2] This is the current estimate of active, committed and pipeline resources. Further development of these figures will now be undertaken to confirm figures, subject to each institution's and the Government of Nepal's decision making and funding appropriation processes.



Government of Nepal – International Development Partners

Joint Statement on Green Recovery in Nepal

Kathmandu, December 11th, 2020 – The Government of Nepal and its Development Partners[3] agreed on a joint statement of support today for Nepal’s Relief, Recovery and Resilience Plan to enable a green, resilient and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The green recovery approach recognises the need for investment to protect lives and secure jobs and livelihoods as an immediate priority, and the need to build resilience, strengthen inclusion and enhance sustainability in the longer term.

“The Government of Nepal welcomes this joint Development Partner approach to support green recovery from the COVID -19 pandemic that is well aligned with Nepal’s 15th development plan. It is also very timely as the Rt. Honourable Prime Minister of Nepal will announce Nepal’s climate ambition at the Global COP 26 Ambition Summit today.”Secretary B. N. Oli Ministry of Forestry and Environment.

The Government of Nepal and Development Partners have agreed to work together on a joint green recovery package which includes both grant and loan support for the initial response to COVID-19, and already approved, pipeline and forthcoming projects that support green recovery. Initial estimates of the scale of development partner support in the five areas identified are:

Up to $ 840 Million for immediate COVID-19 needs including direct health care and vaccine access, and support for livelihoods and vulnerable groups; and

Up to $ 6.6 Billion for supporting green recovery in the four areas of:

  • Nature-based solutions for growth and job creation in agriculture, forestry and biodiversity and water management, and tackling the impacts of climate change in the Himalayas;
  • Green and resilient infrastructure, urban development and pollution management, that together create jobs and protect human health;
  • Increasing resilience to future shocks such as health, climate and earthquake risks, by strengthening health, social protection, education and disaster management systems; and
  • Stimulating private sector recovery, and increasing green investment and job creation in finance, tourism, clean energy, waste management, forestry and agriculture.

International Development Partners’ Group Chairs statement

“Nepal’s Development Partners wish to align their support for Nepal’s green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic to create jobs, stimulate inclusive growth and support local, provincial and federal governments to get Nepal back on track to achieve middle income status by 2030. Nepal’s Development Partners are ready to work with the Government on a green recovery that benefits all”International Development Partners’ Group Chairs statement

H.E. Roland Schaefer German Ambassador to Nepal and Faris Hadad- Zerfose, World Bank Country Director for Nepal and International Development Partners’ Group Chairs statement

“As holders of the UN Climate Presidency and hosts for the Climate COP 26 next year, the UK is greatly impressed by Nepal’s climate leadership and ambition in its recently approved NDC. It is only by working together that we can tackle the COVID-19 and climate crises and build resilience, create sustainable jobs and stimulate the green growth that Nepal needs to bounce back greener.”Lisa Honan  - UK Government Asia Climate Envoy


[3] Development partners associating themselves with this statement Include: ADB, EU, Finland, France, Germany, INGOs, JICA, KOICA, Norway SDC, UK, UN, USAID, and the World Bank.

[3] This is the current estimate of active, committed and pipeline resources. Further development of these figures will now be undertaken to confirm figures, subject to each institution’s and the Government of Nepal’s decision-making processes.