Successful conclusion of project “Works on improving accessibility of public buildings and centres for social work in Montenegro,” supported by the European Union


Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Naida Nišić and the Ambassador of the European Union to Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa visited the Social Welfare Centre in Tuzi to mark the completion of the project “Works on improving accessibility of public buildings and centres for social work in Montenegro.” The project was implemented through the One-Year Action Programme for Montenegro for the year 2018, within the framework of the action “Support to the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights sector in Montenegro.”

Funds amounting to €606,088.60 were provided from the pre-accession funds of the European Union (IPA). They represent a continuous successful collaboration between the Delegation of the European union to Montenegro and the Government of Montenegro, as well as the continuity of EU support to Montenegro in the field of social policy.

Minister of Labour and Social Welfare

Minister Nišić expressed satisfaction in attending the opening of accessibility adaptation works for persons with disabilities at the Tuzi branch of the Social Welfare Centre for the Capital City of Podgorica. She said that, in addition to Montenegro providing funds to support persons with disabilities and help them fully integrate into their communities, the European Union's support is essential.

"The mentioned project represents a significant undertaking of the Government of Montenegro, aimed at improving the accessibility of public buildings for persons with disabilities, covering 17 social welfare centres in Montenegro, as well as the Public Institution “Children's Home Mladost” in Bijela, which had the technical capabilities to carry out adaptation interventions up to and at the entrance to the building. Today's event in front of the Tuzi branch is an opportunity to present this and to provide equal access to persons with disabilities and reduced mobility," emphasised the Minister.

Representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro and the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and the municipality of Tuzi

She stated that one of the strategic goals of the Government of Montenegro in the field of the social and child protection system is to take certain measures to make as many social welfare institutions fully accessible for persons with disabilities. Our attitude towards this part of the community reflects the overall social and civilisational development level. We cannot be satisfied with our societal achievements until persons with disabilities gain equal status to that of others, and until we create conditions for their daily lives to proceed normally.

"This project is contributing to the improvement of their quality of life in Montenegro, and it motivates us to continue supporting various initiatives and measures to improve their environment in the coming period," Minister Nišić highlighted.

Oana Cristina Popa

Popa also expressed satisfaction with the presence at the opening ceremony of the adapted Social Welfare Centre in Tuzi for easier access for persons with disabilities.

"This Centre is one of the seventeen social welfare centres across Montenegro that have recently seen significant accessibility improvements. All those important investments were fully funded by the EU. Accessibility is a precondition for the persons with disabilities to fully participate in all areas of life on an equal basis with others. Accessible spaces are a crucial first step towards achieving equality. Only if persons with disabilities can access transport, shops, parks, or websites, will they be empowered to take full control of their lives," said Popa.

With around 87 million persons in the EU and around 11% of the Montenegrin population facing disabilities, Popa said that we need to think of every possible way to empower persons with disabilities. This way, they can fully enjoy their rights and actively participate in both society and the economy.

"We are all aware that, despite some progress made so far, persons with disabilities still face considerable barriers and have a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion. The 2021-2030 EU Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities points to the way forward in addressing key issues, such as ensuring accessibility, freedom of movement and residence, and active participation in democratic processes," Popa explained.

She emphasised the EU’s unequivocal support for the ongoing work of the Montenegrin authorities on the deinstitutionalisation and reform of the disability assessment system.