Trade Success No.5: V Kanhye Health Foods (VKHF) Co Ltd - From research to marketing, exporting Moringa products from Mauritius to France and Reunion Island

"Trade Success" is a series about stories of entrepreneurs who benefit from the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union (EU) and signatory countries of the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region. In this 5th issue, we talk about V Kanhye Health Foods (VKHF) Co Ltd, a company based in the North of Mauritius exporting Moringa based products to the EU.

VKHF Co Ltd is a pioneer commercial grower and producer of Moringa Oleifera (Moringaceae) popularly known as “moringa” and, in some parts of the world as drumstick or horseradish tree, called “brède mouroum” in Mauritius. The company produces Moringa powder, capsules and herbal tea with different flavoured infusions.

The products are sold in supermarkets, in Mauritius Duty Free Shops, in spa and pharmacies around the island. Following the success of the product on the local market, the company participated in international trade fairs, resulting in orders from Europe and has been constantly growing over the years. Products are exported to France, Reunion Island, South Africa, UK and Canada. The company is certified Organic by ECOCERT France and has won several Gold Awards at local and International Level for Innovation, Scale up, Quality and Productivity. The latest award is the COMESA Innovation Award 2021.

Key facts:

  • Founded in 2014
  • Headquarters: Goodlands, Mauritius
  • Annual turnover: Around € 60 000
  • Exports to the EU: Approximately 15% of its annual production

Company profile:

Mr Kanhye, the Managing Director of VKHF Co Ltd, first discovered Moringa during his travel to Europe and was instantly attracted to its high nutritional and medicinal value. He decided to explore the marketing of the product based on research carried out by the Mauritius Research Council.

The company started processing Moringa leaves into Moringa infusion, powder and capsule in June 2015 with 4 employees. The company deals with the whole process from the plucking of leaves to dehydration, crushing and blending it with flavours, as needed.

In 2017, the company diversified from its basic product by introducing new flavours such as lemongrass and pomegranate.  It added a new ginger blend in 2020.

The company's vision is to remain an innovative company growing both locally and internationally with a mission to provide a natural healthy product for the benefit of all. By the end of 2022, the company also intends to launch its cosmetic products by producing its own Moringa oil and developing beauty care products.

Main achievements over the years:

  • Employees: from 4 in 2015 to 12 (August 2021)
  • Areas of land: from 2 acres in 2015 to 15 acres (August 2021) - planning to grow an additional 20 acres by 2022
  • Production capacity: from 1,000 boxes monthly in 2015 (by hand) to 20,000 boxes (automation process) in August 2021
  •  Factory space: from 180 m2 in 2015 to 800 m2 in 2020

How did the EPA help?

When exporting to the EU, the EUR1 Certificate allows the clients of VKHF to benefit from preferential tariffs making them more competitive. The company also benefited from trainings through the TradeCom II Programme under the ACP Trade Capacity Building Programme, funded by the EU on the project “Strengthening Export competitiveness for inclusive growth in Mauritius in the context of the EPA Implementation.

"We make use of the EUR1 Certificate for all our exports towards the EU, which in turn benefit our clients as they get preferential tariffs".

V Kanhye Health Foods Co Ltd

Mr Vinaye Kanhye, Managing Director

branch of tree

Experters' stories from Mauritius - Moringa