Mauritius - Promoting climate change actions through the restoration, development of ecotourism and participative activities in the Mondrain Reserve

EU contribution : 855 000 euros (94,45% of the project)

Implementing period : 01/03/2024 – 28/02/2029

Implementing partner : Mauritian Wildlife Foundation

Area : Mondrain Reserve, Mauritius.

Global objective

To strengthen the operational capacity of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation to engage as a key actor in mitigating and sensitising the Rodriguan population on Climate Change

Expected results

  • Expand the Mondrain Nature Reserve to 10 hectares by converting 5 hectares of agricultural land (currently deer pasture) to a native, endemic forest
  • Capacity of MWF to calculate and provide yearly carbon sequestration estimates from endemic and native plants found in Mondrain Nature Reserve improved
  • 5 species of threatened endemic plant species included in the IUCN Red List
  • Advocacy activities (participative activities, talks, visits and social media posts) implemented, using Mondrain as a model to present to other landowners and create awareness on the project in favour of climate actions
  • Develop an ecotourism and educational site with appropriate facilities, to increase awareness in favour of climate actions.