EULINK RAWABET promotes security on coastal road connecting Eastern and Western Libya

The reopening of the Libyan coastal road, connecting the East and West of the country, was a key element of the 2020 ceasefire agreement. The EU-funded EULINK RAWABET project provides essential support to security and safety along this important link for people and businesses. Working together with security forces from the East and West, EULINK RAWABET is an important contribution to security sector reform in Libya, and the unity of the country.

The coastal road between Misrata and Sirte has always been a key route connecting people and businesses in the East and West of Libya. Its closure during the 2019 conflict had an enormous impact on trade and the freedom of movement of people. The reopening of this lifeline between East and West hence became key elements of the 2020 ceasefire agreement.

The envisaged cooperation between police forces from East and West in patrolling the road, responding to car accidents and manning checkpoints along the road was seen as highly symbolic and an important step in the peace process.

Cooperation for more security on Libya’s lifeline between East and West

In response to a request by the Joint Military Committee (JMC)/5+5, the EU launched EULINK RAWABET in October 2021: an 8 million EUR project to foster security on the coastal road and promote cooperation between police forces from the East and West. One year later, 100 police officers from the West and 100 officers from the East are deployed to secure the coastal road between Abu Grein and Sirte, under the authority of the JMC/5+5’s Security Arrangement Committee (SAC). Their cooperation is one of the few examples of security providers from the East and West working together for the benefit of the Libyan citizens.

EU Ambassador Jose Sabadell at the EULINK equipment handover ceremony on 14 December 2022.


EULINK RAWABET has rehabilitated three main security gates in Abu Grein, Gate 50 and Gate 30. Infrastructure works went along with the provision of equipment and training sessions for commanding and field officers. The General Department for Security Operations (GDSO), in charge of mobile patrols between the Security Gates, and the Central Security Support Department (CSSD), in charge of operating the Security Gates are key partners in the project.

Professional police services to build trust among citizens

Working conditions for police officers at security gates and on patrols have improved significantly since the launch of EULINK RAWABET. First aid and medical assistance is now available along the coastal road to respond to car accidents and other security incidents – an essential contribution to build people’s confidence in their police services. In a next step, EULINK RAWABET will help improve the security at the gates through new radio communication infrastructure between the gates and the different operational HQs in the West and the East.

EULINK RAWABET Handover Ceremony at Nighaza Training Institute, Libya, 14 December 2022


Building on this concrete and fruitful cooperation, the EU will continue to support other aspects of the ceasefire agreement as requested by the JMC/5+5.