Support to initiatives to engage communities in culture, social cohesion and democratic participation


Call Details:!mVV3Xd EuropeAid/180880/DD/ACT/LB

Information meeting: Held on 14/05/2024, 10h (Beirut time). Should you be interested in this session, please send an email by 10/05/2024 to, indicating: name, surname, nationality and email address of the persons who are going to participate, as well as their organisation (max. two participants per organisation).

Deadline for the submission of concept notes: 11/06/2024

The present call for proposals, based on EU's assertion of the critical role that civil society can play in Lebanon’s sustainable and long-term recovery and development, aims at addressing the need for change by offering financial support to CSOs with the objective of fostering a sense of common inclusive identity in Lebanon through culture, social cohesion and support to democratic values and participation.


Culture brings people together and can be used to promote understanding among communities. However, investment in the culture sector has declined since the onset of the socio-economic crisis. Therefore, initiatives of CSOs aiming to employ culture as a means to stimulate constructive mutual understanding and dialogue and foster consensus on critical issues related, for instance, to identity, inclusion and accountability must be supported, as such initiatives play a vital role in promoting social cohesion and resilience within the Lebanese society.

Social Cohesion

The multifaceted crisis, that Lebanon is currently facing, along with the spill-over effect of the Israel-Hamas war on Lebanon, constitute serious threats to the social fabric in Lebanon and risk increasing tensions within and between communities. For this reason, actions that promote innovative ways to boost social cohesion are very relevant.

Democratic Participation

CSOs’ contribution to enhance democratic values, to ensure inclusive participation of citizens in the public sphere, to improve the electoral processes, and also to advocate for reforms and monitor their implementation, is crucial. This has been experienced in their participation in the Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF), but also in their monitoring and awareness raising work more generally, such as in the context of the access to information law, the public procurement law and the electoral law.

Apply here:!mVV3Xd

Contact Details

To apply to this call for proposals, organisations must register in PADOR and submit their application in PROSPECT (see section 2.2.2 of the guidelines).