Instrument Contributing to Stability and Peace


Cross-border and cross-sector dialogue for tolerance and peace in Central Asia

The Action aims to raise awareness on the roots of violent extremism and to facilitate the participation of local civil society (particularly for youth initiatives) at cross-border for the promotion of tolerance and the prevention of radicalization.


Support to Media Sector Reform for Conflict Prevention in the context of the upcoming elections in Kyrgyzstan “Media Dialogue”

The action aims to strengthen the capacity and responsibility of media actors to operate as drivers of democracy and to prevent potential conflicts during the 2020 parliamentary elections.


Support to preventing violent extremism and radicalisation in Central Asia through conflict sensitive media reporting (phase II)

To strengthen resilience of citizens to radicalisation and disinformation narratives leading to violent extremism through support to media, civil society organisations, government institutions, religious leaders and active citizens in Central Asia.


Peaceful Villages Evolvement (PVE)

The action aims at supporting two civil societies -“Youth of Osh” and “Adult Education Association of Tajikistan” - from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to prevent conflict and violent extremism by enhancing their capacity for addressing the root causes - economic and social - of these issues.


Prevention of Violent Extremism in Central Asian Countries through Strengthening Social Cohesion among Labour Migrants, Returnees and their Families

The action aims at supporting national, cross-border, and regional Civil Society Organizations in preventing radicalisation of communities, migrant workers, their families and returnees from war zones in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
