Project title: Revitalisation of Marin Barleti Street and Lumbardhi Cinema in Prizren - Relaunch


Location:  Kosovo

Publication Reference: NEAR/PRN/2023/EA-LOP/0240



The scope of works consists of the implementation of restoration and rehabilitation works for two main Prizren heritage sites in the city of Prizren, Kosovo: 1) the Lumbardhi Cinema, 2) The Marin Barleti Street. The scope of work for this heritage building consists of the implementation of three main types of works a) the structural consolidation, restoration, and adaptation; b) the construction of a new building in the courtyard, c) the landscape intervention to rearrange the sidewalk along Remzi Ademaj street.


This project will be financed by the IPA 2020 programme of the European Union, Decision number 42-090.

The tender dossier is available on the website:


The deadline for submission of tenders is: 11/03/2024 at 16:00 (CET).