No EEAS/DELKENN/2024/002- Concessionare (Service) Contract _ Operation of canteen for the EU Delegation to Kenya Procedure: (Middle Value)


Operation of canteen for the EU Delegation to Kenya

The EEAS / Delegation of the European Union to Kenya intends to launch a call for tenders using a negotiated procedure to establish a concession service contract for operation and management of canteen within the delegation office premises. It is a direct service contract implying all terms governing the provision of services are defined at the outset, and once enforced can be implemented without further formalities.

The resulting contract is an authorisation by the contracting authority of the EU delegation to Kenya for the exercise of an economic activity to take place within its premises in support of its staff, co-locators and EU visitors/guests.  The contracting authority shall provide the canteen facility,  infrastructure and cover basic running cost for the utilities i.e. electricity and water.

The contractor of the services (concessionaire) shall be charged with the provision and management of the services from which remuneration shall be derived through right of exploitation of the services. Thus the revenue for the concessionaire shall come exclusively from a third party (user). There will be no direct payment  from the contracting authority.

The concessionaire shall be deemed to assume the inherent operating and financial risk with no guarantee to recover sunk investment or costs incurred in operating the services. The concessionaire accepts the operational and/or financial risk of providing the service in return for the opportunity to generate income through the exploitation of services within the scope of the contract.

The inherent risks entail; risk that supply of services will not match demand; those liable may not be able to pay (low risk); cost of operation may not be fully met by revenue e.g. liability for harm or damage to facilities.

The concession contract is based on a partnership between EU delegation and the concessionaire that will ensure an active cooperation throughout the duration of the contract  to best meet user demands. To this end, the contracting authority will be attentive to any proposal from the concessionaire to make the relationship as attractive as possible to all parties.

The services that are subject to this contract shall include but not limited to;

  • Provision of a healthy, balanced, safe and tasty nutrition choices for a multicultural setting
  • Prices that are generally reasonable and cost – effective
  • Food offerings  for breakfast, lunch( Hot meals) and grab to go, finger foods
  • Offsite food preparation and logistics for on time delivery
  • On site preparation for hot beverages,  sandwiches, juices and salad
  • Catering for events as and when required and offsite delivery
  • Traceability of food sources and proper food handling
  • Well maintained and hygienic offsite facility/ Infrastructure for food preparation

The contracting authority reserves the right to verify the information given and site visit  of the facility for assessment.

The tender is open only to operators duly licensed/authorised to performance the services and must be able to prove this with valid documentation.

The contract will be performed at EU delegation office premises located at Dunhill Towers, 115th Waiyaki Way , Westlands Nairobi.

The foreseen duration of the concessionaire (service) contract is a maximum of 36 Months.

If you are interested to participate, you may express your interest by sending an email to the contact e-mail mentioned below.

Procedure: Treaty fundamental/procedural rules of equal treatment, non-discrimination, transparency and proportionality

Deadline to express your interest (inscription): 


Sending of invitation to tender (Indicative time): 


Contact e-mail: (link sends e-mail)