Central Asia COVID-19 Crisis Response Programme (CACCR)


A €3 million regional project financed by the European Union and implemented by the WHO in 2020-2022.

Main objective

Strengthening public health emergency preparedness, coordination, detection and response to COVID-19
with focus on Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

Strengthening responders' skills

  • Technical experts were mobilized to provide technical expertise on infection prevention and control, case management, laboratories, risk communications and procurement of medical supplies and medical equipment for the COVID-19 response.


Delivering essential supplies for patient care

Humanitarian cargo from an aircraft

  • 200 oxygen concentrators, to assist patients in need and pulse oximeters were procured for healthcare facilities treating patients including patients with COVID-19 infections.
  • WHO received trauma kits, mannequins and other essential equipment to provide advanced trauma care trainings for health care workers.

Increasing public compliance with health measures

  • Clear and consistent guidance on public health measures on detection and prevention of COVID-19 has been disseminated widely. WHO ramped up its social media presence and reached over 500,000 views.
  • More than 4,000 healthcare workers have benefited from WHO Kazakhstan's online trainings in infection prevention and control, case management, risk communication, and laboratory biosafety and biosecurity thanks to the support of the ELI and other donors.
  • Delivering essential supplies for patient care
  • 200 oxygen concentrators, to assist patients in need and pulse oximeters were procured for healthcare facilities treating patients including patients with COVID-19 infections.
  • WHO received trauma kits, mannequins and other essential equipment to provide advanced trauma care trainings for health care workers.

See also