EU-Indonesia Civil Society Forum 2024: The EU launches four CSO projects to accelerate green transition and sustainable development


The Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Indonesia – together with the Ministry of Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and civil society partners – held the EU-Indonesia Civil Society Forum today (27/06), with a view to support the Government of Indonesia’s mid-term and long-term development plans and ambitions for its green transition.

In the Forum, H.E. Denis Chaibi, EU Ambassador to Indonesia, and civil society partners launched four new EU-supported projects. These projects will strengthen civil society networks and focus on the just energy transition, sustainable land use, social forestry and the enabling environment for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

“Indonesia-EU relations are rooted in an inclusive approach to democracy, where contributions from all parts of civil society are welcome and valued. In this context, the EU is proud to be associated with the work of Indonesian Civil Society Organisations for sustainable development and the green transition. Our support for today’s event is just one of the many strands of engagement with Indonesia, from youth to economic cooperation,” said H.E. Denis Chaibi, EU Ambassador to Indonesia.

The first project, Enabling Civil Society’s Contribution to Prosperous, Fair, and Sustainable Development in Energy Transition and Sustainable Land Use” is implemented by WFF Indonesia and Auriga Nusantara. The three-year project will support several local CSOs around the country to support responsible land use governance and the energy transition in Jambi, Central Kalimantan, Southeast and Central Sulawesi.

The second project, “CSOs Standing Shoulder to Shoulder in Defense of Forest Livelihoods”, is implemented by Warsi Indonesian Conversation Community (KKI Warsi), Aksi! for Gender, Social, and Ecological Justice Organization, the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI) and the Stichting IUCN Nederlands Comité (IUCN NL). This project will support Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs) in the provinces of Jambi, Bengkulu and West Sumatra to carry out sustainable forest management in an inclusive manner, and encourage policies for improved IPLC livelihoods and forest sustainability.

The third project, “Strengthen Civic Space and Enhance the Enabling Environment and Capacity of Networked Local CSOs to Promote a Just and Inclusive Green Transition in Indonesia (CO-EVOLVE 2)”, is a collaboration between Penabulu Foundation, ASEAN Youth Forum, Indonesian Data Journalism Network (IDJN) and Lokadaya Nusantara Network Foundation to strengthen CSO networks, with a particular gender and youth lens through the just transition.

Meanwhile, the fourth project, Building an Enabling Environment and Strong Civil Society in Indonesia (BASIS)”, involves YAPPIKA-ActionAid and the Indonesian  Association of Human Rights Lecturers (SEPAHAM). It is implemented in Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra to support CSO development, capacity building and effective monitoring and advocacy.

During the Civil Society Forum, the EU also recognised youth participation as a key actor of Indonesia’s development by launching the first Youth Sounding Board (YSB) in Indonesia. This initiative complements other actions from the EU to engage with Indonesia’s young people and boost cooperation on higher education, including the ERASMUS+ scheme which finances scholarships as well as education and research partnerships.

The YSB comprises 15 ambitious young individuals aged 18-25 from across Indonesia, who will act as a youth advisory group to the EU Delegation to Indonesia. The group consists of young people from the regions of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau, South Sumatra, Lampung, Banten, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, West Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, Maluku and Southwest Papua.