Tons of waste removed from the beach “La Travesia” in Honduras

The European Union organized a beach cleanup with the Garifuna community in La Travesía, Honduras.

It was done as an immediate and emergency response following the arrival of large amounts of waste that were washed down to the beach by the Motagua (Guatemala) and Ulúa (Honduras) rivers in the past weeks. 

Specialized equipment was used to clean up more than 15 tons of waste. Afterward, more than 40 volunteers from the Garífuna community living in the area joined the activity by separating plastic, metal, and glass waste for recycling.

Community members expressed their concern about the constant pollution on the beaches, highlighting the impact it has on the environment and fishing activities. The EUDel expressed its willingness to support possible solutions to the binational problem (between Honduras and Guatemala) that is causing the arrival of waste to the ocean and beaches on the northern coast of Honduras.


beach clean up travesia honduras 2022


limpieza la travesia honduras 2022