UKUMARI EU - Ecuador: to enhance traditional knowledge for forest conservation with bio economy promotion

The European Commission's Commissioner for Environment, Oceans, and Fisheries Mr. Virginijus Sinkevičius, signed the Declaration of Intent for the UKUMARI Forest Alliance with the Minister of the Environment, Mrs. Sade Frischi, and representatives from Team Europe Initiative


This initiative is part of the Global Gateway Initiative, which aims for Team Europe to implement joint actions to combat climate change and foster green transition.

"Deforestation is a massive challenge for the world, for Europe, and for Ecuador. For a number of years now, the EU and Ecuador have been working together on how to halt deforestation and how to promote sustainable forest management. So, I am honoured and delighted to launch the Team Europe Initiative, the 'Ukumari EU-Ecuador: Traditional Knowledge for Forest Conservation and Bioeconomy Promotion', which will strengthen forest conservation and promote farming systems and supply chains that are free from deforestation.", said Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries.

The UKUMARI project seeks the conservation of Ecuadorian forests, the promotion of bioeconomy and biotrade, forest fire prevention, and the recovery of ancestral practices and knowledge regarding sustainable forest use through agroforestry.

Team Europe Initiative is based on the following pillars of action:

  • Fostering bio economy and bio trade;
  • Promoting deforestation-free farming systems and commodities supply chains;
  • Strengthening forest conservation through protected area management, forest fire prevention, as well as, ecosystem restoration based on traditional knowledge;
  • Strengthening forest sustainable management, control, monitoring and incentives.

By developing this Ecuadorian- European Initiative, we aim to:

  • enhance the role of Ecuador’s forests and forest resources in national development
  • address global challenges such as climate change and loss of biodiversity.

The event took place with representatives from various Ministries of Ecuador, civil society organizations, universities, and European Embassies at the Church “La Compañia de Jesus” in Quito Ecuador.
