European Commissioner Sinkevičius co-chairs 1st EU-China High-Level Policy Dialogue on Circular Economy in Beijing

EU press release following the 1st EU-China High Level Policy Dialogue on Circular Economy

Today, Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries and Zhao Chenxin, Vice-Chairman of China’s National Development and Reform Commission successfully concluded the first EU—China High Level Policy Dialogue on Circular Economy in Beijing, China.

The High Level Dialogue builds on the Memorandum of Understanding on Circular Economy signed in 2018, which was extended at this occasion for a second period of 5 years.

Both sides recognised each other’s efforts and leadership in driving the transition to a circular economy and will engage both domestically and at the international level in its implementation, with a commitment to closer cooperation in the coming years. 

The High Level Dialogue addressed policy developments and opportunities for cooperation on plastics, including international negotiations, batteries and remanufacturing as important topics of mutual interest. 

On this basis, both parties agreed on the joint development of a cooperation roadmap on circular economy. The aim is to complete the roadmap in the coming months so as to start its roll out in 2024.

A new EU-funded project is currently being developed to support circular economy in China. It will provide i.e. technical assistance, support to pilots testing best practice. The project  will be implemented over a period of three years starting in early 2024.

Today’s first High Level Dialogue laid the foundations for future work and reflected the common vision and shared interest in promoting circularity in our economies in support of global sustainable development and prosperity. 

Commissioner Sinkevičius stated: “The EU and China share the same vision that a transition to a sustainable, efficient, circular economy is both necessary and possible. This transition will create new jobs and greater prosperity. We are at the forefront of action and can be of example to other countries.”



Circular economy is a central feature of the EU’s drive to achieve a zero-carbon economy by 2050, and is key to halting biodiversity loss and delivering zero pollution. China has a long-standing interest in circular economy and has developed specific legislation supporting its transition.