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    20240509_EUDCHN_Diversity week group photo

The EU is a strong defender of the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons globally. Equality and non discrimination are part of our core values, as emphasized in the Universal Declaration of Human  Rights, the European Treaties, and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We must act to defend these values and make them a reality.

Everyone has equal rights and should have equal opportunities to contribute to and participate in public and private life: free from violence, hate or harassment, especially if grounded on a person’s sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and sex characteristics.

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A Home Full of Love

Short film 1

When XiaoLiu's friend LuoDong visits, a loving family demonstrates the joy and harmony that comes from accepting their gay children just as they are.
Set in a picturesque countryside, watch as XiaoLiu and his mother prepare a meal, welcoming LuoDong with open arms. Despite traditional expectations, this family’s unconditional love shines through as they celebrate LuoDong’s achievements. The story culminates in a heartwarming future scene filled with happiness and grandchildren, illustrating that acceptance leads to a vibrant family life. Two male mandarin ducks, symbolizing lifelong partnership and fidelity, reinforce the theme of enduring love.
Let's celebrate the beauty of acceptance and the happiness it brings to families.

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Solar Rays of Love

Short film 2

Lili’s day-to-day life with her supportive father and loving partner Grace shows how accepting and celebrating diversity can lead to a harmonious and successful family.
Follow Lili, a solar energy professional, as she balances her career with a loving home life shared with her father and her partner Grace. Witness the warmth of a family coming together to celebrate Grace's business success, filled with laughter and toasts to a bright future. This film highlights the joy and prosperity that come from embracing Lili’s relationship with Grace. The presence of two tricolour cats, nearly always female due to unique genetics, symbolizes the diversity and beauty of their inclusive family.

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Colors of Friendship

Short film 3

Chen, with the encouragement of his friend Wenshu, embraces his true self and finds a community that accepts and celebrates him, showing the positive impact of acceptance.
Meet Chen, a hairdresser who, with Wenshu’s encouragement, explores self-expression through colorful nail polish and earrings. Watch as Chen is welcomed into a diverse and accepting group of friends, illustrating the joy and harmony that come from self-acceptance and being embraced by others. The symbolism of swallows, representing family harmony and togetherness, underscores the theme that embracing diversity leads to fulfilling friendships and supportive communities.