Europe Day 2022 in Canada

Every year, Europeans worldwide celebrate Europe Day on 9 May, in recognition of a significant moment in Europe’s history. Join us this month for Europe Day in Canada!


In his 9 May 1950 address, known as the Schuman Declaration, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman called on European nations to unite in the wake of the devastation of Second World War. Schuman’s visionary idea set the wheels of European integration in motion and led to the birth of the European Union as we know it today: a force for peace, unity and solidarity in Europe and beyond.

Schuman’s call for unity resonates today more than ever since the Second World War. It is in this spirit of solidarity that tributes to the brave people of Ukraine are central to our Europe Day activities this year.


EURO Challenge hits home run

Dr. Melita Gabrič, Ambassador of the European Union to Canada, will host an awards ceremony on 3 May in Ottawa to announce the winners of the inaugural EURO Challenge in Canada.

The EURO Challenge is an educational initiative for Grade 9 and 10 students to participate in a competition on topics pertaining to the European economy. Contestants were asked to describe the current economic situation in the euro area, select one economic-related challenge and recommend a policy or policies for addressing the identified challenge.

Launched in 2006 in the U.S., EURO Challenge has reached more than 5,000 students to date. This is the first edition in Canada.

EURO Challenge winners will be announced on the EU Delegation’s website and social media channels @EUinCanada. Stay tuned!


Europe Day in Ottawa

Tune in on 4 May to watch this year’s Europe Day speeches and a special musical tribute to Ukraine, live from Ottawa.

In Canada, Europe Day is an occasion for Europeans and Canadians to come together and celebrate our shared history and enduring friendship. Canada and the EU are natural and strategic partners. Our mutual trust and respect for democratic principles, human rights and fundamental freedoms underpin our enduring friendship.

This year, we celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the bedrock of our bilateral relationship. These agreements serve as a point of reference as we chart our way forward, pursue closer cooperation and coordinate our support to Ukraine. The Joint Ministerial Committee set for 16 May in Brussels will be an occasion to step up our collaboration.

Tune in at 6:30 p.m. EST for the livestream on our Facebook and Instagram pages @EUinCanada. Don’t miss it!


“Stand Up for Ukraine” illumination tributes from coast to coast

As an expression of solidarity with Ukraine, on 9 May, landmarks and iconic sites across Canada will be lit up in blue and yellow, the colours of the EU and Ukrainian flags.

The lighting shows are organized in collaboration with our Canadian partners and EU consular colleagues. Locations include:

  • Nova Scotia Province House
  • Halifax City Hall
  • La Grande Roue de Montreal
  • Ottawa Sign
  • Niagara Falls
  • CN Tower
  • Edmonton High-Level Bridge
  • Vancouver City Hall
  • Burrard Street Bridge, Vancouver
  • Science World, Vancouver
  • Bloedel Conservatory, Vancouver

Flag-raisings will also take place on 9 May in Ottawa, Halifax, and Toronto, where the Consul General of France, Mr. Tudor Alexis, representing the current French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will host a ceremony in the presence of Toronto Mayor John Tory.

Photos will be shared on our social media channels. You are also welcome to snap and share your own photos if you spot any of the illuminated landmarks where you are. Tag us @EUinCanada.


Annual European Union Short Film Festival 21, 28-29 May

Europe Day activities will wrap up with the ninth annual European Union Short Film Festival (EUSFF), which returns this year as a live event in Ottawa.

We are thrilled to present a collection of 22 short films from across Europe, in collaboration with the Canadian Film Institute, the embassies of EU Member States and the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC).

We are particularly pleased to welcome the special participation of Ukraine in this year’s festival, which will open with the screening of the short film Peace and Tranquillity by Andrii Bondarenko on 21 May.

Participating EU Member States include Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

The EUSFF will be held on Saturday, 21 May, Saturday, 28 May, and Sunday, 29 May, at 1 p.m. at ByTowne Cinema in Ottawa. Free of charge:

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