The EU for the Youth


In June 2020, the Council of the European Union adopted Conclusions on the role of Youth in External Action, emphasising the importance of young people as drivers of change and essential partners in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. The EU is committed to increase its engagement with youth and ensure that they are involved in shaping European Union´s actions and policies.

In Cambodia, the European Union Delegation is launching a call to form a Youth Sounding Board to carry forward this commitment and increase its engagement with the country´s younger population.

What is a Youth Sounding Board?

The Youth Sounding Board (YSB) is an opportunity for young Cambodians to have an influence in the European Union cooperation policy, to make it more participatory, relevant and effective for young people. The YSB is a space for creativity and exchanges that will allow members to provide their perspectives and contribute to the work of the European Union in Cambodia.

The YSB will offer an opportunity to young people in Cambodia to express their views, connect with other youth organisations and YSB across the world and advice the European Union Delegation on their engagement with Cambodian youth.


The  YSB-Cambodia (C-YSB) will:

  • Advise the EU Ambassador and the EU Delegation on the design and implementation of selected development cooperation initiatives, especially on their impact on youth;
  • Contribute to the monitoring of EU projects, by participating in field visits organised and paid by the Delegation, and interacting with implementing partners and beneficiaries.  
  • Support the EU Ambassador and the EU Delegation to organise activities for young people and to increase outreach and dialogue with Cambodian youth.  
  • Disseminate and share relevant knowledge with other young people in Cambodia.
  • Participate in networking activities with other YSB and youth organisations across the world.


The C-YSB members will:

  • Participate in a short training and orientation to become an effective board member.
  • Hold, at least, three meetings a year;
  • Discuss on issues and themes proposed by the EU Delegation, through online platforms and tools.
  • Participate in activities organised by the EU Delegation and field visits.

How to become a member of the C-YSB:

The C-YSB will be composed of 15 members who shall:

  • Be Cambodian nationals, between 19 and 25 years of age.
  • Be creative, motivated and ready to contribute to a good functioning of the Board.  
  • Have good at communication skills and experience with social media;
  • Have a good command of spoken and written English.

No specific experience is required.


Selection Criteria

The C-YSB will ensure diversity and inclusion in terms of gender, ethnic and cultural background. Candidates with special needs, disabilities, in situation of vulnerability or from minority groups are encouraged to apply.

Priority will go to candidates who do not already sit in similar positions on advisory boards for other organizations or embassies.



C-YSB members will serve an unpaid mandate of min 12 and max 24 months. If a member ceases tenure before the expiration of the 24 months period, the vacant position will be advertised.


Application  and selection process

Applications can be submitted online only from 10 June 2022 to 31 August 2022 (11:59 PM, Cambodia time), at the following links:

The selection process will be conducted in two stages:

  • First stage: all candidates will be informed on the outcome of the first stage (shortlist) of the application by mid-September 2022.
  • Second stage: Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews by end of September 2022.

All shortlisted candidates will be informed of the final results early October 2022.

For any queries, write to: