Report of the 12th round of negotiations for a trade agreement between the European Union and Australia


Discussions were held in a good and constructive atmosphere and showed a shared commitment to negotiate an ambitious and comprehensive agreement.

Officials from the European Commission and Australia held the 12th round ofnegotiations for a trade agreement between the European Union and Australiafrom 7 to 18 February 2022 through a series of video -conferences. The EUnegotiating team was led by Mr Peter Berz, Chief Negotiator and Head of Unit atthe Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission, while theAustralian team was led by Ms Alison Burrows, Chief Negotiator and FirstAssistant Secretary at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.Discussions were held in a good and constructive atmosphere and showed ashared commitment to negotiate an ambitious and comprehensive agreement. 26working groups and sub -groups met covering all areas of the future tradeagreement. Negotiators continued discussing the textual proposals that had beensubmitted for the different chapters, and the respective comments received. Theyclarified the underlying concepts and practices, the linkage with internationalagreements where relevant, and the involvement of different levels ofgovernment. Where possible, negotiators agreed in principle on text parts that wereacceptable to both sides. The chapters on transparency and on domesticregulation were provisionally concluded during the round. Revised govern mentprocurement offers had been exchanged ahead of the round. A number of follow-up actions were decided. For more details please click the link below to read the full report. 

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