Speech of the EU Ambassador Silvio Gonzato at the Consultative meeting with Donors in the Home Affairs Sector

Dear Minister, dear colleagues and partners,

I am pleased to welcome you all to this conference to discuss Albania’s priorities in crucial areas for the country’s path towards EU accession. These include the fight against organised crime, public order and security, as well as Integrated Border Management and migration management.

The presence of the US Embassy as well as other EU/international partners shows our joint commitment when it comes to supporting Albania in the rule of law reforms.

Reforms in the rule of law should improve standards and practices, creating a more efficient state that guarantees safety for all citizens and ensures safeguards and respect for human rights. A safer country also attracts investors and fosters sustainable economic development.

Yet, we must also speak of the challenges that Albania is facing when it comes to countering the infiltration of criminal groups. Albania’s 2023 National Risk Assessment on Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing identified banks and institutions involved in real-estate transactions as the financial entities most at risk. Cash transactions and transfers inside and outside the country are particularly exposed.

The fight against crime and corruption requires a coordinated response from many actors, including the private sector and the civil society. I commend the decision taken in December 2023 by the Committee for the Coordination of the Fight against Money Laundering to establish an Inter-institutional working group. This inclusive working group is mandated to draft the National Strategy on the Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing 2024-2030 and to follow up on the recommendation of the 2023 National Risk Assessment. 

The integrated approach has led to additional results, namely the draft law on Assets Recovery Office, which is currently being consulted with EU services. The creation of a well-functioning Asset Recovery Office, which should happen soon, is an important step in our joint fight against organised crime and a key benchmark in the Reform Agenda soon to be agreed upon between Albania and the EU.

The draft law on the Albanian State Police is another important step. It aims to improve the professionalisation and merit-based career progression within the national police, thereby supporting police integrity and enhancing citizens’ trust in the State.

In the fight against illicit drugs, we look forward to the establishment of a functioning Early Warning System and a National Drugs Observatory to improve data exchange with the EU Drugs Agency. Close cooperation between the Ministries of Interior and Health will be very important in this endeavour.

When it comes to migration management, an effective implementation of the recently adopted migration strategy, including the integrated border management strategy, is crucial for the security of Albania, the region and the EU. Effective migration management can turn migration challenges into opportunities for our societies and ensure fair and humane protection for people in need. 

The rule of law reforms linked to EU integration process are complex and challenging. Beyond adapting to EU standards and laws, concrete implementation is key. This is why the European Union is supporting Albania with both funds and top-notch expertise from our Member States.

As we move forward, it is important to improve communication on the progress made in implementing relevant strategies and utilising resources available to Albania.

I would like to call for an improved and sustainable coordination of donors’ assistance through regular and inclusive reporting on the implementation of all the relevant cross-sectoral strategies, such as the one on the fight against organised crime and terrorism. This would improve transparency and accountability of the financial resources made available by Albania and the international community, increasing cost-efficiency and planning of donors’ assistance for the Ministry of Interior and all the relevant stakeholders. 

Albania has already committed to improving donor coordination in the Rule of Law roadmap and the Reform Agenda and I look forward to renewed joint efforts and concrete steps in this direction. The EU will stand ready to support you on this road, bringing Albania and its citizens closer to the EU.