The EU is changing the lives of Albanians for better

Thanks to EU engagement: more opportunities for young Albanians, more protection for the environment, more support for public services and justice.


Yesterday, on 22nd February 2023, the Council of Ministers approved in principle the signing of the Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the Republic of Albania on the Annual Action Plan (AAP) for 2022 under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) III.

The EU contribution of EUR 82.6 million will supports six actions in the areas of environment, youth, democracy, EU acquis alignment, fight against organised crime, and judiciary.


EU for Water (EUR 29 million): support for Albania towards maintaining and improving the water bodies’ quality status in Albania and aligning further with the EU “environment acquis”. 

EU for Youth (EUR 5 million): support the participation and empowerment of youth in the political, economic and social life of Albania.

 “EU for Democracy (EUR 5 million): promotion of inclusive participation and the trust of Albanian citizens in democratic institutions.  

European Union Integration Facility(EUR 19 million): strengthening of capacity and accountability of the Albanian public administration in its preparations for EU membership

 “EU for Law Enforcement (EUR 14.9 million): support the rule of law through strengthening the fight against organised crime in Albania, including environmental crime and cyber illegal activities, trafficking in human beings and irregular migration.

 International Monitoring Operation (IMO): Support to the process of temporary re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in Albania - Phase III (EUR 9.7 million): strengthen the independence, transparency, efficiency, accountability and public trust in the Albanian justice system.

Next steps: The Financing agreement will now be signed by the European Commission and then be submitted to the Albanian authorities for their counter-signature and further approval in the Council of Ministers.

The pre-accession assistance instrument IPA supports EU candidate countries in adopting and implementing key political, institutional, social and economic reforms to comply with EU values and to progressively align with EU rules, standards and policies.