Bringing the European excellence to Tirana: Memorandum of Understanding signed with College of Europe

In a dedicated event, held at Europe House in Tirana on Friday 6 October, the European Union took a significant step towards enhancing educational opportunities for Albanian students. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the esteemed College of Europe, opening doors to a world-class education for aspiring Albanian scholars. The agreement formalises and paves the way for the establishment of a College of Europe branch in the Albanian capital. 

The event was attended by high officials, both from the EU and Albania, including Rector of College of Europe, Federica Mogherini, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, Ambassador Luigi Soreca, Managing Director of the European Union Angelina Eichhorst, Minister of Education and Sports Ogerta Manastirliu, and Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj. Their collective presence underscored the importance of this collaboration in fostering stronger ties between Albania and the European Union. The memorandum, which will bring for the first time this prestigious institute outside the EU, was signed by the representatives of the Ministry of Education, Tirana Municipality, and College of Europe, in the presence of Commissioner Varhelyi and Ambassador Soreca.

“Proud to witness the setting up of College of Europe branch in Albania, dedicated to preparing future generations of actors on the global stage. The EU strongly supports this initiative from the very beginning and looks forward to the start of the new campus in Tirana,” said Chargè d’affaires, Ambassador Luigi Soreca.

Ambassador Luigi Soreca

The College of Europe is renowned for its excellence in educating future European leaders and diplomats. By establishing a presence in Tirana, it offers an excellent opportunity to local students and others from around the world to access top-notch education in a newly founded campus. This development aligns perfectly with the EU's commitment to support education and skill development in its neighbouring regions.

“I have been signing many MoUs and agreements, but being here today among you, gives me a special emotion because it is not just historical in terms of achieving something that is going to be very tangible, but also we finally bring the College of Europe outside of the European Union. The College of Europe is a special academic institution- we do not only teach Europe we make our students live and shape Europe. In our statute it is clearly stated that the mission of College of Europe is to contribute to the European integration,” said Rector of College of Europe, Federica Mogherini.

Rector of College of Europe, Federica Mogherini

This occasion marks a significant stride towards Albania's integration into the European family and offers the youth of Albania an invaluable opportunity for academic and personal growth. The European Union, along with its esteemed partners, remains committed to supporting education and fostering deeper connections with Albania. Together, we look forward to a brighter, more educated future for all.