Inaugurated in 1975, the offices of the Delegation are located in Yaoundé. With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty (December 2009), it is a true diplomatic mission, headed by an Ambassador, Head of Delegation. The missions of the Delegation are both political and administrative. They are conducted under the authority of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, within the European External Action Service (EEAS) of the European Union.

What We Do

The role and mission of the Delegation

In collaboration with the other diplomatic missions of the Member States of the European Union accredited to Cameroon, the Delegation is mandated to ensure:

  • Representation of the European Union to the Republic of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, as well as the promotion and defense of the values ​​and interests of the European Union.
  • The follow-up of bilateral relations in the fields of political and security, economic, trade and cooperation relations.
  • Monitoring of European Union policies in all sectors.
  • Promotion of the participation of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea in the regional integration process in the various areas covered by the partnership and the monitoring of pan-African issues.
  • Management of European Commission external aid programs and projects.

An agreement was reached on April 15, 2011, at the level of negotiators to replace the Cotonou Agreement signed in 2000 with 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, which aimed to reduce poverty and support economic, cultural and social development of partner countries and facilitate the gradual integration of their economies into the world economy. The new agreement will govern relations between the EU and the ACP countries for the next 20 years and aims to further deepen the partnership. The Delegation does not replace the Member States. Thus, consular tasks are the responsibility of their diplomatic representation in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, even if the Delegation ensures that all European citizens enjoy consular protection through the Member States represented on-site (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France and Italy).

Our Office

A united team, at the service of the Cameroon-European Union partnership

Ambassador- Head of Delegation

M. Philippe Van Damme

Deputy Head of Delegation / Politics, Press and Information

M. Sebastien Bergeon, Chef de Section


M. Filippo AMATO, Chef de Section

Coordination of operations

M. Arnaud Demoor, Head of Cooperation


Mme Emma Clua, Team Leader

Rural Development, Civil Society & Environment

Mme Emilie Wattellier, Team Leader


Mme Claudia Boldrini, Team Leader

Finances, Contracts & Audits

Mme Anne Bourdilleau, Chef de Section


Mme Anne Vanescote, Chef de Section