The Delegation of the European Union does not issue visas. It is a task which falls under the sovereignty of the Member States and/or their consular missions represented in Cameroon.

Study in Europe


Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for education, training, youth and sport.  

Between 2014 and 2020, this program has provided opportunities for more than four million young people to study, train and gain experience in a foreign country. 

The budget for the new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme amounts to €26 billion, almost double that of the 2014-2020 programme which was €14.7 billion. 

Erasmus+ replaces a number of older programmes, including an international exchange programme called Erasmus Mundus. 

You can consult the Resources' section of the Erasmus+ web portal for information, tools and documents for possible applications for Erasmus+ training grants. 

Embassies and Consular Representations

To travel in Europe, you have to get in touch with these diplomatic and consular representations

Ambassade de Belgique 

Adresse : B.P. 816 - Yaounde 
Tél. : + 237  / + 237 
Fax : + 237 
Courriel :  
Site web :

Ambassade de la République fédérale d’Allemagne 

Adresse : 121 Rue 1851 Bastos 
BP : 1160 Yaoundé 
Tél. : 22 20 05 66 / 22 21 00 56  
Fax : 22 20 73 13 
Site web : http://www.jaunde.diplo.d
Courriel :

Ambassade d’Espagne 

Adresse : 309, boulevard de l’URSS - Bastos 
BP : 877 Yaoundé 
Tél. : 22 20 35 43 / 22 20 41 89 
Fax : 220 64 91 / 221 08 25 
Courriel :

Ambassade de France 

Adresse : 352 Rue Joseph Atemengue - Olézoa 
BP : 1631 Yaoundé 
Tél. : 22 23 40 13 /22 22 17 76 / 22 23 36 30 
Fax : 22 22 50 43 
Site web : 
Courriel :

Ambassade d’Italie 

Adresse : Impasse 1782/725 - Bastos 
BP : 827 Yaoundé 
Tél. : 22 21 21 98 /22 20 33 76 
Fax : 22 21 52 50 
Site web : 
Courriel :