Projects with Civil Society in Cabo Verde 

The direct support to civil society organisations and partners reinforces the European Union’s commitment to sustainable development in Cabo Verde and the recognition of the role played by civil society, particularly community associations, in this area. 

Ongoing projects in 2021 

  • Building adaptive capacity and resilience of the forestry sector in Cabo Verde.
  • Building safe and sustainable cities: A challenge for local authorities with the involvement of each and everyone.
  • Alliance for the Right to Adequate Food and Empowerment Initiatives for Young People and Women from rural areas.
  • Social Network for Women’s and Young People’s Equality in Economic and Social Development.
  • Project promoting the inclusion of children and young people with neurological disabilities.
  • PEOPLE — participation and operational, accessible and sustainable social services.
  • Djuntu pa igualdadi! A participatory response to gender-based violence in Cabo Verde. 

Blue Economy in Cabo Verde

The European Union has been actively contributing to the development of the blue economy in Cabo Verde.  

The blue economy in Cabo Verde shall contribute to the following areas: trade, job creation, scientific knowledge, value chain consolidation, environmental protection, biodiversity, and maritime security.

Migration and Security in Cabo Verde 

The EU has actively contributed to security projects in Cabo Verde, mainly through the financing of regional projects. The EU’s regional objectives in this area are:  

  • Adapting and deepening support for peace efforts on the African continent through a more structured and strategic form of cooperation.
  • Integrate concepts such as good governance, democracy, human rights, the rule of law and gender equality in cooperation action.
  • Ensuring resilience by linking humanitarian, development, peace and security response at all stages and cycles of crises and conflicts.
  • Ensure a balanced, coherent and inclusive approach to migration and mobility between the EU and Africa.  

Ongoing projects 

  • Support to the Free Movement of Persons and Migration in West Africa (WEST AFRICA MMF).
  • Africa, Caribbean and Pacific — EU Migration Action.
  • EU Migration expertise — MIEUX — Strengthening municipal capacities in migration management and social integration.
  • Support to the design of ECOWAS peace and security operations (EPSAO).
  • Organised crime: West Africa’s response to cyber insecurity and cybercrime. (OCWAR/Cyber).
  • Organised crime: West Africa’s response to money laundering and terrorist financing (OCWAR — Money and OCWAR Traffic- to check the connection).
  • Support to Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea, Integrated West Africa (SWAIMS).
  • CRIM JUST — Strengthening Criminal Investigation and Cooperation in the Field of Criminal Justice in the Cocaine Route.
  • FOR ENACT: Improving the African response to organised crime. 

Gender Equality in Cabo Verde 

The EU is stepping up its support for gender equality in the country, promoting sustainable legal and structural changes in national social and policy practices through a variety of local measures, events and campaigns. Gender indicators have been introduced in the EU budget support programme 2014-2021, such as the creation of a Violence Based on Gender victim support fund, and support to the national budget to address gender issues. In 2019, a budget support indicator of EUR 1 million was decided for the adoption and implementation of the parity law, effectively adopted by Parliament on 28 October 2019.  

A crucial instrument developed by the EU in Cabo Verde is the Gender Action Plan — GAP II (2016-2020). Gender analysis was a joint EU-led exercise, together with Member States and in consultation with national partners.  

Ongoing projects:  

  • Social Network for Women and Youth Equality in Partner Development (Africa 70).
  • Djuntu pa igualdadi! A participatory response to gender-based violence in Cabo Verde.

European Green Deal in Cabo Verde

 The new EU Green Deal is a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, so that there are no net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and where economic growth is significant. To achieve this objective, the EU relies on the collaboration of its partners such as Cabo Verde.  

In addition to the new area of cooperation of the EU-CV Special partnership (Oceans and Blue Economy), the EU in Cabo Verde has been developing other projects in the area of climate, energy transition and ecosystems.  

In 2017, the EU supported Cabo Verde in the elaboration of the Electricity Sector Master Plan 2018-2040, which will serve as a structural document for the energy sector, with a special focus on renewable energy, in the country.  

Ongoing projects 

  • Reflor-CV: Capacity building and resilience of the forestry sector in Cabo Verde.
  • Strengthening the Regional Encourage of the Cabo Verde Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance Centre (CERMI).
  • Improving governance of the renewable energy sector and energy efficiency in West Africa.
  • Farfish — Results based management and capacity building for the EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and international waters.
  • SALSA— Small cooking, small food businesses and sustainable food security.
  • Adoption of an electricity grid code in Cabo Verde (Energy Plan for Sustainable Development — National Programme for Energy Sustainability).